Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] would [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 About half past eight I would feed my horse and then have my breakfast .
2 I used to be frightened to fall asleep at night sometimes , afraid I 'd stick my head out from under the clothes while I was asleep and wake up to find my head in a dragon 's mouth , before I died . ’
3 I do n't think she has the faintest idea what it would mean to marry a chap without private means , and if she did , I 'm afraid she 'd change her mind . ’
4 Or are you afraid it would upset your neutrality ? "
5 It was harder , therefore , to turn , and since they were on piece-work they were afraid it would affect their wage .
6 If it ever became easy it would lose its meaning ’ .
7 He had not realised how much he would miss his family and the work of breeding and breaking the shires with George .
8 And as far as possible she would keep her distance from Ernest .
9 After that she would make her way back to her aunt , her mission a failure , because she now knew that in no way would Silas be persuaded to go cap in hand to Bertha .
10 Sophie laughed , but there was a warm feeling in her heart as she contemplated the fact that in such a small place it was quite likely she would encounter her chance acquaintance again .
11 he bought a flat do he had to go where he was getting , aye , more money , and then again as I say if he was ill he would get his pay for so long .
12 I 'm , I 'm sure I 'd change my mind if I was burgled .
13 While she felt sure she would enjoy his mother 's company , she was reluctant to encourage an association which could involve further contact with him .
14 This may sound straightforward , but every school caterer tells the same story : ‘ We 'd love to serve skimmed milk , but as full-fat is cheaper we 'd lose our subsidy ’ .
15 He seemed to be sure he would make his price .
16 ‘ I know , although I 'm not altogether sure he would appreciate your effort to dress up .
17 A Hammersmith and Fulham Council spokeswoman , Louise Raisey , said it was very unlikely she would see her daughter until today .
18 I mean I think as far as NUPE 's concerned we would want our branch secretaries or a branch official and probably senior senior shop stewards I would think .
19 If hungry he 'd gnaw your ankle just to let you know to fill his bowl .
20 Mr Pink said it was unlikely he would pursue his claim for reinstatement .
21 Tony Newton , the Leader of the Commons , said the Government would consider the report but he thought it unlikely it would change its attitude .
22 After that they would expect His Majesty to grant a dissolution .
23 Arthur declared that if necessary he would defend his water by force of arms .
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