Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Do you not agree that if God ever did say Let there be light he must have been over Norfolk at the time ? ’
2 There is a display also of various types of mountain refuge or cabin , from which you can judge how extremely uncomfortable it must have been for those invited by Count Russell to share his quarters on his favourite mountain of Vignemale , for the so-called ‘ Russell ’ is quite the most Spartan of shelters , little more than a hollow scooped out under an overhanging rock .
3 But then she remembered Tony , and how grateful she would have been to anyone who had had the courage to give her a hint of his real nature …
4 Few heads had allocated any of their extra capitation to the development of productive links with parents and the community , while nearly all of them considered that such PNP resources as the Authority 's advisory and support staff , the INSET programme and even the refurbishment of their own schools had made little or no impact on home-school links , however effective they may have been in furthering the programme 's other objectives .
5 ‘ If the company had made this kind of claim in a newspaper advertisement , I 'm sure they would have been in breach of the codes of conduct on financial and political advertising , ’ he said .
6 New boys , however grand they may have been before entering the House , go to the back of the queue .
7 as far as I was concerned you might have been in there another fifteen minutes !
8 Successful he may have been in October-December 1976 at using the full Cabinet as a forum for crisis management , but Callaghan was not tempted to extend the practice in more tranquil times .
9 In a society so deeply divided by class ( and gender and race ) inequalities , and increasingly dominated by the privatised technological culture of late capitalism , the social purpose orientation alone is now inadequate , however admirable it may have been in the past .
10 Intuitively she felt the depths of the anguish he 'd suffered , knew without having to be told how hard he had struggled to help his sister , understood how devastating it must have been for him to realise she 'd gone beyond his help .
11 She said how convenient it would have been for her , instead of having to wait for chaps to go out and kill rabbits and deer and all that , and for the peasants to bring in the vegetables ; she 'd much rather have been able just to nip down to the shops and buy what she needed , when she needed it .
12 It is only necessary to reverse the meaning of the sentence to realize how difficult it would have been for Baldwin to have given a negative answer .
13 IT SOUNDED SO CLOSE it must have been in the street below us .
14 However naughty we might have been at school , this was not mentioned at home .
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