Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] has [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From September 1981 the music course for professional performers has qualified for mandatory awards , the Welsh College of Music and Drama being one of a small number of specialist music centres in the UK to be so designated .
2 Pressure of numbers impinges on every facet of the prison system , and in some institutions has resulted in overcrowded conditions that would not have been tolerated a century earlier .
3 But yesterday 's Virgin statement said : ‘ British Airways has sought from Virgin onerous and impractical undertakings including silence over matters of historical record . ’
4 Fujitsu says that the number of foreign users has tripled in recent months and that 21 groups outside Japan are linked to the computers .
5 The size of the remand population in British prisons has rocketed in recent years .
6 Nevertheless , the investigator 's earlier research in Atlanta , Georgia , shows that , in this city , residential segregation remains , the gap between predominantly black and white areas has increased in important respects , and inequality among black neighbourhoods has increased .
7 As Mr Smith points out , ‘ the share price of these companies has ranged from indifferent to disastrous , with MCC representing a near certain total loss to shareholders ’ .
8 The report says : ‘ Involvement in all these areas has met with great success and has been greatly appreciated by the recipients .
9 We know that Matisse is more than a decorative painter and we agree that Picasso is not always an aggressive painter , but the whole discourse about these painters has depended upon certain prejudicial polarities : colour or form ; wholeness or disintegration ; tradition or avant-garde ; French or international .
10 The establishment of sickle cell centres in many cities has led to increased awareness of the condition and greatly improved care for sufferers , and much of the credit for this must go to the dedicated nurses , health visitors and counsellors involved .
11 A group of 11 companies has committed to developing products conforming to the joint AT&T Co-Hewlett-Packard Co proposal for 100Mbps Ethernet , despite the fact that the IEEE has yet to decide whether to adopt it as a standard .
12 Bill Cash is a lawyer who for many years has specialised in constitutional issues , not least that of the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution .
13 Research over the last sixty years has demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that , for many people , unemployment is responsible for deterioration in mental and physical health .
14 An example from the Health Service , of especial importance to frail elderly people , is in the area of general practice ; the entrenched pattern of independent salaried practitioners has resulted in marked differences in standards of professional care which many have argued are unacceptably great .
15 Epic Soundtracks has played with Swell Maps and written a definitive ( sadly unpublished ) discography of Sonic Youth .
16 The availability of water is the main constraint on food production and while traditional shifting cultivation and nomadic practices are inherently conservation-oriented , the trend towards permanent cultivation and settled herding over the last 50 years has led to widespread environmental change .
17 Genital dermatoses are seen by specialists from disciplines other than dermatology , and the evolution of multidisciplinary teams running combined clinics for vulval diseases has led to improved diagnoses and management of patients with these problems .
18 The number of students successfully changing fields has risen in recent years and now stands at 30 per cent of the intake .
19 If you have read chapters 6 and 7 , it can not have escaped your notice that whereas research into the recognition and comprehension of single words has centred around detailed theories which attempt to provide a comprehensive description of all aspects of single word processing , research into the comprehension of sentences and discourse is much more fragmented .
20 In recent years the study of megalithic remains such as Stonehenge in terms of hypothetical astronomical alignments has led to various interesting speculations concerning prehistoric man 's knowledge of the calendar .
21 the increasing stranglehold of the big brewers has led to high prices , poor choice and pub closures ; and many new small breweries have been driven out of business .
22 A Devon family has previously been reported in which a female in three successive generations has presented with multiple polyps requiring repeated surgery over a number of years .
23 A century of saving seed from the best plants has led to continuous improvements .
24 Pressure for the conversion or redevelopment of historic houses and estates in financial difficulties has grown in recent years and is causing concern to those wishing to preserve the traditional countryside .
25 PANAMA is the latest in a series of rogue regimes , the menacing state of whose internal affairs has led to armed intervention by other countries — and to an unresolved international tangle about the legality of such action .
26 Visits from archivists and librarians to study the holdings of local maps has led to useful contacts as well as to the provision of further photocopies to the local archive and library services .
27 Although the division between nomadic and urban cultures has diminished in recent years , most of the older , more established weaving groups have retained their traditional allegiance to either geometric or curvilinear designs .
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