Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] were [adv] to be " in BNC.

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1 Parental wishes were also to be taken into account , though what that meant was unclear .
2 An electoral code and a charter for political parties were also to be discussed .
3 Foreign merchants were still to be permitted to enter the country , but Russian subjects were not to be allowed to leave and Russians living abroad were summoned home .
4 The first meeting of the Governors was held on 12th August 1881 and the seven present decided to appoint Mr. Edward Walmsley to the Chair before proceeding to make arrangements for a Clerk , to deal with the accounts ( for which proper books were now to be kept ) , and to inspect the Deeds of the School with the Town Clerk .
5 The only difference between the groups was that those in E were generally a little older and a few females were also to be found there .
6 The Japanese colonial empire was swiftly dismantled even though some regrets were later to be expressed at the Japanese departure from Korea and Taiwan .
7 I ca n't remember them all now , but I know that no speaking was allowed in the class-rooms , corridors or on the stairs ; no running anywhere indoors ; no borrowing of any kind ; all long hair had to be plaited ; indoor shoes were never to be worn outside , nor outdoor shoes inside , and there were specific shoes for games , gym , hockey and so on ; school uniform was strictly enforced , and hats compulsory .
8 Although Futurism succumbed to the ravages of the First World War and its surviving adherents were later to be put to flight by Mussolini , many of its observations and its leading artists , such as Severini , Picabia , Boccioni and Balla continue to inspire the main stream of modern art .
9 An understanding monarch reflected that disobedient and violent subjects were also to be found much closer to home .
10 Such arguments were soon to be developed in the State Department .
11 Elsewhere similar processes were also to be seen .
12 These funds were only to be disbursed when the compact agreement had been signed .
13 Many large gardens were still to be seen , even in the centre of the town .
14 But the big processions of previous years were nowhere to be seen — or heard — in our town .
15 Such human resources were soon to be available elsewhere — notably in Japan — but for some decades they guaranteed to Europe and North America a monopoly of technical invention and discovery .
16 Some 10,000 students from these republics were also to be given places in Turkish lycées and universities .
17 It accepted that public spending should be used counter-cyclically after the war , but private firms were merely to be exhorted to plan their spending to iron out booms and slumps , and there was no mention of the thorny question of anti-trust policy .
18 This argument could be regarded as a rebuttable presumption , but then the inexorable logic of the theory breaks down ; it could not be said that legal rules were always to be determined by the ordinary courts .
19 Bodily functions were never to be acknowledged .
20 Another factor was the legendary cautiousness of Franco , for whom slow progress and sure gains were always to be preferred to unnecessary risks .
21 From there , no doubt , he 'd gone straight to Hell ; but there were times when he and his wicked mistresses were still to be seen walking here , their shades drawn back from Hellfire to visit the scene of their sins .
22 One thousand Turkish troops were also to be stationed at Silopi as part of the operation .
23 The reason was that it was not at that time ascertained that those materials were definitely to be used .
24 Occasionally she half hoped to see him again , she would find herself watching faces rising towards her on the escalator of the Tube and wonder what she would feel if one of those faces were suddenly to be his .
25 Several petrochemical plants owned by the armed forces were also to be put up for sale .
26 Eight members were then to be added by the pope .
27 Similarly , more than one-third of the students enrolled in the District 's One-Year and Terminal courses were also to be found in these branches .
28 The mysterious Twins were nowhere to be seen .
29 The three alien forms were originally to be realized by Roger Dicken ; but he completed the small forms only , and Rambaldi was called in at short notice to do the Alien head .
30 In Five Easy Pieces , the biographical elements were there to be discovered , slightly falsified , perhaps , and for those who did not notice them , Nicholson made a point of mentioning them in interviews .
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