Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] to [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 After months of turning deaf ears to warnings by the City and industry , the Department of Energy has at last conceded that nuclear plant can not be included in the share float without state support .
2 The greatest changes have occurred in the average salary of candidates placed — from £25000 to £70000 — and in the firm 's international links , which have extended from two European offices to membership of the globally spread E. S. International Group .
3 Realist science is a means of conceptual discovery based on the movement at any given level of analysis , from manifest phenomena to knowledge of the structures and mechanisms which generate them … .
4 It is only a short way from this position to punishment of artists whose views are seen as heretical , a tendency which led in medieval times to burnings at the stake and , more recently , to the horrors of the Maoist ‘ cultural revolution ’ .
5 He argues that in the absence of diminishing returns to production of the intermediate or final good , or some element of product differentiation at intermediate or final levels , or the need for a firm 's intermediate product division to be held to being competitive , then vertically integrated firms will not participate in the intermediate good market .
6 Gaining New Clients — How to avail yourself of the opening of all public contracts to businesses throughout the Community .
7 His clothing was always dark , usually black , with few concessions to colours of the brighter hue .
8 In the past , the young store cattle were sold after a few months to farmers on the UK mainland but recently the EEC has guaranteed high prices for beef and so many farmers have fattened their calves on their own farms .
9 Taxable profits more than doubled to £45.1 million in the 12 months to December as the team , led by Anthony Habgood , the chief executive brought in from Tootal mid-way through 1991 , got to grips with loss-makers and revitalised other businesses .
10 Mrs Maggie Bosanquet , founder of Darlington Environmental Watch , said Darlington was gradually getting greener thanks to organisations like the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers .
11 Going into the prisons , they meet and talk with the men responsible for these violent acts , demystifying the fantasies which have often been built up in isolation from women , and sharing feminine responses to feelings with the men .
12 Bonhams press officer Jill Potterton told Dogs Today : ‘ We are happy to give free evaluations to members of the public who come to see us .
13 After his retirement as secretary of the English Association in 1950 he spent four years in India , encouraging the growth of youth hostels in that country , and subsequently paid two extended visits to Africa for the same purpose .
14 Two foreign visitors to London in the late 18th century spoke with wonder of certain City shops with their ‘ shop-fronts with large glass windows and a glass door ’ .
15 The Dales authority has defended its plans as an extension to public subsidies to landowners for the preservation of the countryside .
16 He said the US authorities planned to allocate 50,000 places to refugees from the Soviet Union in the next 12 months .
17 Hornby , as Chief Officer and Vice-Chairman of the Council , issued the further particulars to candidates for the post he was intending to vacate the following year .
18 Inland changes to sites over the last 1000 years do not seem to have been so drastic .
19 Captured by Blackfoot or Atsina Indians when accompanying buffalo-hunters to Montana in the late eighteenth century , she was sold to eastern Indians and then on to a French-Canadian at Red River .
20 The church which Kinloch also provided has in its churchyard a flagstaff from which permanently flies the saltire or St Andrew 's cross , floodlit at night , recalling the vision of a white cross against blue sky which supposedly inspired combined Pictish and Scottish forces to victory against the invading King Athelstan and later became the national flag .
21 Few of the friends who had written complimentary tributes to Smart at the time of his release from Dr Battie 's asylum expected him ever to be able to write again .
22 Science in this context was altogether more dogmatic than in Royal Institution Discourses ; there was a syllabus to be got through , and right and wrong answers to questions at the end of it .
23 Railway : Leogang 's railway station is on the main Westbahn rail line with daily connections to Bregenz in the Vorarlberg and Vienna to the east good for independent excursions !
24 Maloney has also handed over another 473 tickets to participants on the undercard of Britain 's biggest-ever heavyweight confrontation .
25 We must wake up the masses and found a truly democratic and free society ’ ( Tournebise and Macdonald 1987 : 106 ) , read the message , with clear links to students in the past and future .
26 The state government has supported the quarry operators , issuing 300 licenses to quarry in the last six years .
27 And this day Lady had some letters to post in the early morning , she wanted them away , on the mails in the early morning .
28 what rules regulate the submission of electronic records to court in the event of a dispute ? ;
29 The Director of the State Historical Library plans to invite German specialists to Moscow in the near future to help sort out the holdings and to decide the fate of the books .
30 In Northern Nigeria power did remain in the hands of the Residents , because they possessed historical claims to legitimacy as the standard-bearers of Indirect Rule — a point always emphasized by Palmer in his dealings with junior officers — and because they were linked with the top men in a congeries of feudal autocracies .
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