Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] in [adj] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 Indeed a survey found that few such sites in rural Britain over the past 45 years reached even 3000 .
2 The Fitzallan 's played leading parts in Scottish life over several generations : the third Steward , Alan 's son , was appointed Justiciary for Scotland by King Alexander II ; the fourth fought at the Battle of Largs and was a Crusader ; and the fifth was appointed a Guardian of Scotland during the troubled times before the rise of William Wallace .
3 The intra-Christian fighting of the first half of 1990 did not result in any tangible changes in territorial control over the enclave ; the LF maintained control of Jounieh and Jubail areas to the north of Beirut as well as the East Beirut quarters of Ashrafieh and Karantina , while Aoun held on to the area around the Baabda Presidential palace , where he himself was based , and around Ras al Metn and the southern entrances to East Beirut .
4 ( iii ) From their reading of pre-20th century literature , pupils should be encouraged to identify some of the major changes in English grammar over the centuries , eg the loss — except in some dialects and in religious uses — of thee and thou ; the simplification of the verb system eg from have , hast , hath , to have and has ; the change in the structure of negatives eg from I know not to I do n't know .
5 Khan was quoted as saying afterwards that " present difficulties in Pakistan-American relations over the nuclear issue can be removed … if each side objectively analyses [ the ] constraints of the other " .
6 ‘ The NHS has had the lion 's share of the very substantial increases in public spending over the last few years , and this has resulted in higher standards of care and treatment , ’ he writes .
7 The banking and finance sector has grown more than 20 times in real terms over the past 30 years so that it now accounts for almost 20% of GDP , compared with 5% in 1960 .
8 Many of the significant trends in Spanish art over the last ten years are represented : the return to expressionism of Sicilia , Sevilla and Barcelo , the lyrical style of Campano and Broto , the monumental sculpture of Susana Solano and the geometrical works of Sergi Aguilar , not forgetting the surrealist objects of Pepe Espaliu and the metaphysical inspiration of Dis Berlin .
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