Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] in [noun sg] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Ballesteros knew 10 days in advance that he was due on the 1st tee at 9.45 a.m .
2 The BeSHT — ben Eliezer is known by that acronym — produced a shock-wave of such proportions in Judaism that it has still not recovered from him .
3 Hearts had n't scored three goals at home in a league match since August and , apart from the introduction of Thomas , it was thanks to one of their brighter performances in midfield that they defeated Falkirk with something to spare .
4 To help children to happily acquire useful skills in order that they might take full advantage of nursery provision and formal schooling when that time begins .
5 We all have so many responsibilities in life that it is easy to forget how to have fun .
6 For the following twenty-seven days I approached everyone I knew , from the Bow Building Society to distant aunts , even fellow-students , but none of them showed the slightest interest in backing a young woman undergraduate to the tune of sixty pounds in order that she could buy a fruit and vegetable shop .
7 ‘ There are always so many firings in radio that it hardly seems a big deal any more . ’
8 Is it not an attack upon the integrity of a man to alienate him from those actions which spring from his deep convictions in order that he might fit in with utilitarian calculations ?
9 These social-work teachers may have a school base ; certainly they would have flexible hours in order that they could meet the needs of young people during times when schools were closed ( early evenings , long holidays ) .
10 When it becomes necessary for a bank to liquidate some of its liquid assets in order that it may then have a desired liquidity position , it will , as has been explained , sell to other banks or discount houses .
11 It may mean that the mentally handicapped child will require special educational needs in order that its full potential be realised , extending to the teaching of social as well as academic skills .
12 The session ended with an extraordinary meeting demanded by the Conservative junior ministers in order that they might express their discontent to the Cabinet members of their own party .
13 And new businesses must let the council know four weeks in advance that they plan to set them up .
14 He asked the US government for favourable trade concessions for Colombia , Peru and Bolivia in US internal markets in order that they could successfully develop and promote non-traditional exports .
15 In the case of this well-liked fatherly brigadier , it was common knowledge that , although he would accept his chauffeuse 's six shillings , he would then pay all other expenses in order that she would be wined , dined and accommodated in the same style as himself .
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