Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] in [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Pynchon , however , incorporates within his narrative Manichaean stories in which good opposes evil — the Fu Manchu tales become important in Gravity 's Rainbow — not simply to mock such narratives out of existence , but to show their inadequacy .
2 The mean amplitude at each level was then plotted on charts where the 90th and 10th percentiles of pressure at these levels in our previously defined normal volunteers were represented by horizontal boxes ( Fig 1 ) .
3 He was one of the still points in her sparsely peopled universe .
4 There are two basic reasons for the apparent anomalies in what generally appears to be a steady expansion of the vineyard area : first , the uprooting of old , commercially non-productive vines ; and second , the decimation of large patches of vines due to natural causes like frost , hail , disease , pests , etc .
5 Alien is primarily a mood piece as well as a visual display — there are slow passages in which little happens , building up suspense for the main action scenes , the deaths of six crew members .
6 The quality of the full product range is assured because Fluka assay every chemical and bio-chemical , and subject all products to exacting tests in their well equipped quality control laboratories .
7 But even in relation to those who are ultimately convicted , the fact that many of them go on to receive a non-custodial sentence — in 1999 the figures were 19.4 per cent in the Crown Court and 25.9 per cent in the magistrates ' courts — calls into question the need and justification for pre-trial detention on the present scale , particularly in view of the deplorable conditions in which most remand prisoners are held .
8 But in general memes resemble the early replicating molecules , floating chaotically free in the primeval soup , rather than modern genes in their neatly paired , chromosomal regiments .
9 He had seven birdies in his best opening round so far , six of them in the first 12 holes , but had trouble getting properly aligned on his long shots .
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