Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] in [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Eliminate most other unnecessary activities in bed apart from sleep — do not eat in bed , watch television , or read .
2 There are very few French employers in Scotland apart from tyre giant Michelin , which has a large factory in Dundee , Pernod Ricard which owns several distilleries and drilling rig builder , UIE Scotland , which is a subsidiary of Bouygues Offshore .
3 A ROYAL Navy technician who was extradited to New Zealand from Britain was jailed for five and a half years in Christchurch yesterday for snatching a woman off a beach and raping her .
4 Dana and I spent a few days in London again before travelling to Spain .
5 It was this hegemonic combination of a mighty domestic economy , a progressive ruling class ( in comparison with most others actually existing ) , and at least some desirable culturalideological features particularly attractive to ‘ modernizing ’ elites , that opened the global door to them and ensured the creation , persistence and often aggrandisement of social classes in countries all over the world willing and eager to adopt their transnational practices .
6 ‘ It is our view that even when libraries do take training seriously , they all too often waste resources by selecting the wrong priorities in training e.g. by sending professional staff to expensive external courses , when an internal training programme might have been cheaper and more useful . ’
7 One only has to look at the diminishing casts in productions all over the country .
8 By engaging in some instances in dialogue directly with local and regional authorities and by-passing national governments , the Commission hoped to be able to co-ordinate the allocation of the Structural Funds and direct aid more effectively to the problem areas , thereby also implicitly weakening the influence of national government upon the use of EC funding .
9 Within a dozen years Philadelphia , its capital , was among the half-dozen largest English towns in North America and , although it had a population of only a few thousand people , very few towns in England apart from London were much larger .
10 For Christmas 1943 I was asked by Air India to broadcast a Christmas message to Christians in Southeast Asia , which I was glad to do , having our Christian friends of different races in Burma much in mind .
11 Substantial damage was done to a ferry boat by 167 Moroccans in Algeciras overnight on April 27-28 ; they were being held on it prior to their repatriation for having failed to meet existing immigration requirements .
12 THE ARCHBISHOP of Canterbury ended his ecumenical talks in Rome yesterday with an agreed statement that reaffirmed the commitment of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches to unity , yet admitted they saw no solution to the difficulties presented by the Anglican ordination of women .
13 In Swedish manufacturing industry , workplace bargaining is conducted by the workplace union organisations ( 'works clubs ' ) which are sub-organisations of the branches of national unions ( in contrast to some industries in Britain especially during the 1950s and 1960s workplace unionism is incorporated into the formal union organisation , although the bargaining which it conducts has a somewhat more restricted range of subject matter ) .
14 In Swedish manufacturing industry , workplace bargaining is conducted by the workplace union organisations ( 'works clubs ' ) which are sub-organisations of the branches of national unions ( in contrast to some industries in Britain especially during the 1950s and 1960s workplace unionism is incorporated into the formal union organisation , although the bargaining which it conducts has a somewhat more restricted range of subject matter ) .
15 Nor are the Free Democrats likely to pull out of Mr Kohl 's government now , though some of them hope the chance will come to join the Social Democrats in government again after the next general election in 1994 .
16 In contrast , in the USA the development of large-scale steel production both weakened the craft basis of unionism and correspondingly enhanced the power of individual firms in relation both to the unions and product market .
17 If you are so concerned with the kindly nurture of infants , I suggest you turn your journalistic — conscience — to those children begotten by inadequate stupid parents being reared in appalling conditions in slums all over the country .
18 A further important value of the scan score is in serial studies in individuals particularly in the context of therapeutic trials .
19 Mainly sandy coloured terrestrial birds , hard to see when at rest in their desert environment , when they resemble small long-tailed partridges in flight more like plump parakeets or long-tailed pigeons or golden plover .
20 There are some fine aqueducts in Spain notably at Segovia , Tarragona and Seville .
21 Other examples , often involving the movement of large blocks in structures well above sea level , are also known , while there is the record of the grounding of a 100-ton sloop on the top of Chesil Bank in 1824 .
22 We consider these difficulties in relation firstly to verbal and bodily intercourse ‘ out of bed ’ and , secondly , verbal , bodily and sexual intercourse ‘ in bed ’ .
23 Can the Minister justify the payment of more than £234,000 of public money to accountants , bureaucrats and consultants to prepare opting-out submissions when that money can be better used to reduce waiting lists or to make a donation to the appeal for the Royal hospital for sick children in Edinburgh instead of being used to propagate Tory party propaganda which is not wanted by the people of Scotland and which would damage the health service in Scotland ?
24 Perhaps death rates will have to suffice until a more serious attempt is made by health care professionals to ascertain the regional variations in disease independently of treatment .
25 SCOTLAND made it three wins on the trot in the Home International Indoor Championships in Swansea yesterday despite losing out in their final fixture with England , 106-113 .
26 This Mr Kravchuk did late on Monday night , announcing that he had taken over all forces in Ukraine apart from strategic nuclear missiles , and with a reported order from Ukrainian air force command banning all flights by the fleet 's planes .
27 Mr Delors , who harbours ambitions of succeeding President Mitterrand as French head of state , was under fire from all sides in Europe yesterday for his role in the breakdown of the Chicago talks .
28 As Kuhn argues in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions , intellectual rigour and purity are seldom major factors in changes even in the scientific world .
29 The disorders that prevail in prisons have deep roots in injustices both within the criminal justice system and more widely .
30 There are a large number of Byzantine churches in Greece especially in Thessaloniki , Athens , the area near Delphi and in the Peloponnese .
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