Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] but [be] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 They offer a few scholarships but are mainly attended by boys from well-to-do families who want their sons to get into the officer corps .
2 A look at this shy and distinctive creature which has lived in Britain for thousands of years and featured in many favourite stories but is rarely seen in its natural habitat .
3 Patients 302 and 303 died from myocardial infarctions but were also known to be affected with polyps found on screening in their late 30s andboth having later bowel resections .
4 It is particularly this aspect of BSL structure which not only creates the concentration of meaning in a few glosses but is frequently brought into use by deaf people .
5 My own conclusions , which in this case are probably completely worthless , are that this ticking represents a period of grace — I mean that it can not explode — as long as the ticking lasts and that it 's not designed to explode when the ticking stops but is then activated and ready to explode when triggered by passing engines .
6 Downs claims that the needs and self-interests of officials develop into informal social structures in bureaucracies which are not solely the consequence of goal conflicts and resistance to official objectives but are also designed to ease the process of implementation ( Downs 1967 , pp. 63–5 ) .
7 At this time the village inn had not only become the centre of social life for the lower classes but was also frequented by the local squire and lesser gentry .
8 Steam was not only utilised by the larger mills but was also brought into service in various rural mills , in an effort to compete with their urban counterparts .
9 The techniques and skills that follow can be performed on all funboards but are best suited to boards under 3.20m as they are more controllable in strong winds .
10 Miss Riley served the Booksellers Association in many ways but is particularly remembered for her painstaking work on the Education Committee .
11 The new party aimed to present a viable alternative to the existing groupings but was widely expected to take part with the BNP in forming an anti-Awami League alliance .
12 What Wood points out is that , if the system were not made of complementary modules but was redundantly organized with function distributed across all components , there are some conditions under which double dissociations would still arise .
13 Now aged 38 , Harwood has been making things , perfecting techniques and designing for the last twenty years but is barely known outside a small group of cognoscenti .
14 After the Second World War there were no significant revolutionary movements in the defeated countries ; and in Eastern Europe , with the exception of Yugoslavia , the major changes in political regimes did not result from indigenous revolutions but were largely imposed by the Soviet Union .
15 According to Snodgrass they occur in all winged insects but are much modified in the Ephemeroptera and Odonata , presumably because these insects do not flex the wings over the abdomen at rest .
16 The landmark structure has been out of action for two years but is now expected to be back in service in July .
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