Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] that i [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Testing is the same sort of thing but this brings out the different functions that I talked about either summations or or products .
2 Furthermore , bearing in mind the reservations about changes in different varieties that I expressed in section 5.2 above , the early date suggested here for the loss of the velar fricative does not affect the fact that there are dialects of English ( in Lowland Scotland ) which have not yet lost the fricative .
3 The fixed positions that I saw with you
4 Recently , from a series of parliamentary questions that I tabled to the Secretary of State for Scotland , it became clear that since his appointment he had not even bothered to contact the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority to discuss the storage and reprocessing of spent fuel at Dounreay .
5 I am now using three photographs that I took in Kenya , plus back-up material for specific areas , from six books .
6 I am now using three photographs that I took in Kenya , plus back-up material for specific areas , from six books .
7 It was only after extensive reading through the writings of many authors that I came across the work which undoubtedly gave the author this particular inspiration .
8 I was going to , one of the , the many things that I went to away last meeting with was , was the idea of , that I 've missed it this time for Playback is a list , a listings kind of mechanism , so obviously this is the first one
9 And I found many details that I knew to be true .
10 ‘ I am assuming the responsibility for all of my co-workers , both for those things I was aware of and for those things that I discovered in the last few days since the name of Olivetti began circulating .
11 I never expected it to be easy , but I do sometimes wish for those moments that I experienced in the distant past , when the umpire used to say , ‘ game , set and match ’ , and you shook hands before entering the comparative safety of the changing room .
12 It is in terms of such a paradigm — broadly conceived , and preferred among the diverse methodological orientations that I discussed in the Introduction for its greater fruitfulness and explanatory potential — that I have analysed political movements , change and conflict throughout this book ; and in these final pages I should like to consider briefly the contribution it can make to understanding the present state of the world and its likely evolution in a medium-term future of two or three decades .
13 Keys I get them out I still lost those ones that I got with the matches .
14 It will make the five years that I served on the BUILD committee seem worthwhile .
15 One of the first things that I noticed in my workplace was that there was an entrenched , hostile division between Black and white colleagues .
16 I was , however , systematic about the 30 or so in-depth interviews that I conducted on a random sample basis by allocating each member of the movement in Britain a number which had an equal chance of being selected from a book of numbers especially prepared for such purposes .
17 The four visits that I paid to Rhodesia in 1971 with my small team of senior officials were regarded as furnishing sufficient firm ground to found serious negotiations towards a settlement .
18 I opened two bottles that I retrieved from the sticky mess on the cabin floor .
19 And a couple of other things that I wanted to , to pick up on was erm Maggie
20 It was with these modern pariahs that I began during school holidays to interest myself .
21 It would be churlish of me not to say how much I welcome that statement , and how much I rejoice in the fact that to add to the four climbdowns that I announced at 4 o'clock , there is a fifth — the abandonment of the proposal announced by the Home Secretary in column 167 of Hansard on 2 July .
22 We can stage a little comedy for ourselves if we pick out two expressions that I used in my last paragraph , and imagine ourselves presenting them to the startled and unwelcoming gaze of Max Beerbohm .
23 It is hard to imagine the effect water can have on the lives of normal everyday people , there were about six or seven houses that I knew of that almost completely wrecked .
24 And , and those are really the two last things that I had on mine , on my list .
25 Suffice as it 's to say that the negotiations did provide for extra seats for Germany in account of the additional population that accrued to Germany from the reunification of East and West Germany and er er at the same time the opportunity was taken to allot some extra seats to some other countries er which erm bore in mind er more closely than before , the respective differences in population sizes of the various countries that make up the community , er the two special committees that I referred to Mr Deputy Speaker , were set up in July nineteen ninety three .
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