Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] that [pers pn] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 These are the two real components that we need from people , everybody needs to get trust and co-operation .
2 I know it was like that when we had it , well all these mugs that you get from the petrol station are all seconds any way
3 It was here that Frankie hid the black sharp-tasting seeds that he picked from her caraway cake .
4 It is to the shame of this Tory government that er er our senior citizens have to struggle to feed and clothe themselves and to try to keep warm , and as inadequate pensions that they receive from this government if you compare the way in the other European countries what they get and what the British government gives to our old age pensioners , our senior citizens they 're more they 're worse off than actually second class citizens .
5 Beccaria 's classical programme is a mixture of basic assumptions about the nature of human beings and the way they relate to crime and conformity , and empirical conclusions that he draws from these assumptions about how best to control crime .
6 Well thank you , I , I 'll leave to Norbert the handling of the artist 's side of this , but as to the amateur sportsman , I know this is a very familiar and accepted notion among us , that the British do n't take sport seriously enough , but I wonder if it 's not one of the many self-delusions that we suffer from .
7 What is significant , however , is that few of the grant-aided organisations that we came from still exist today .
8 After external examination of the pubic region and vulva , the doctor will pass a speculum into the vagina and take the various samples that he needs from the vagina and cervix .
9 ( 1981 ) list 15 predictions that they derive from their conditioned attention theory and point out that many of these have received empirical confirmation .
10 I opened two bottles that I retrieved from the sticky mess on the cabin floor .
11 This display of aesthetic preference is not absolute , but probabilistic : given a choice between two colours that we know from learning experiments they can distinguish reliably — purple and blue , for example — the bees will choose their favourite , purple , only 70 per cent of the time rather than 100 per cent .
12 I appreciate your comments on certain issues that you extracted from my letter headed ‘ advertising mania ’ in the December edition of Credit Management .
13 But you can also settle happily for the sublime views that you have from this generously turf Ed upland .
14 To be specific about it , many of the Christian circles that I enter from time to time do not believe in the Devil .
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