Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] and it be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This assumption shaped Edward 's policy of establishing regional hegemonies and it was vindicated by Gloucester 's control of a notoriously difficult region .
2 This assumption shaped Edward 's policy of establishing regional hegemonies and it was vindicated by Gloucester 's control of a notoriously difficult region .
3 The Committee then discussed the possibility of lobbying through various political contacts and it was suggested that Tom Burt get in touch with the office of Lord James Douglas-Hamilton to see when it might be possible to have a talk with him .
4 Teachers felt that this text offered them many opportunities for the development of the understanding of parental roles and it was thought to be a book from which all sorts of related topic work could be derived .
5 The unit is to return to Darlington next year for further checks and it is hoped the scheme will be extended to younger women in the future .
6 Rudston 's history goes back a very long way to Neolithic times and it is believed to be the oldest inhabited village in England .
7 The errors possibly arising from voltage variations are however clearly much less than variations arising for other , explained and unexplained reasons and it was decided to abandon this idea .
8 Bobby and Ian both sacrifice a lot of time to Lisburn 's teenage golfers and it 's beginning to show .
9 The Black Sea only recycles its water once in every 140 years and it is estimated Turkish beaches will remain contaminated by waste for more than a century .
10 THERE 'S been a revolution in media over the last few years and it 's going to continue at an ever-increasing pace for sometime to come .
11 ‘ The man 's problems have intensified in the last few weeks and it 's reached the stage where he 's late at least three mornings a week now . ’
12 In fact events have developed rapidly in the last few weeks and it was announced at a Committee meeting on Monday 1st June that we had every hope of opening the museum by the end of the month .
13 The employer 's business was supplying fresh chickens and it was alleged that the employee had made wrongful use of sales information such as customers ' names and addresses .
14 An initial inspection of the loco , still in impeccable condition externally , has revealed a few problems and it is hoped that the Standard will be back in service sooner than the two to three years expected for overhaul .
15 Seeds from the faeces of three species of mammal were subjected to various light treatments and it was found that passage through two of them reduced the effectiveness with which exposure to far-red light overcame the effects of previous exposure to red light .
16 The key event was the dispute surrounding the Eddie Shah group of free newspapers and it was resolved with the help of two pieces of trade union legislation introduced in the early 1980s which henceforth placed the trade union movement on the defensive .
17 At our last Directorate it was noted that there had been further difficulties with unauthorised visitors and it was agreed that there was a need for additional security between the entrance foyer and offices .
18 He faces a possible prison term of at least 10 years and it 's driving his mother crazy with worry .
19 Clients fill in a form that asks all sorts of personal questions and it is analysed and ‘ matched ’ to a likely candidate for their consideration .
20 In September 1942 , and at the end of 1943 , the War Office wanted additional trains and it was agreed that several of the then existing casualty evacuation trains should be disbanded , to provide more ambulance trains .
21 And they were tiny and we tied them in wee bunches and it was Miss who was the teacher then and she made a cross and put
22 SCOTVEC considers the validation of courses and units to be a vital element in maintaining confidence in its new advanced awards and it is monitoring the process closely .
23 The ride from Pimlico to Portobello took well over ninety minutes and it was gone midnight when I beached the car on a double yellow line outside my sock .
24 After a time there came quick steps and it was opened a crack .
25 In 1856 French secretaries of embassy and legation were divided into three classes and it was ordered that no one was to reach the third and lowest class without having already served as an attaché for three years , while everyone must spend at least three more in each class before being promoted to a higher one .
26 It rose higher than the surrounding buildings and it was lit by clerestory windows below roof level .
27 The mini and mainframe computer manufacturers were slow to realise the enormous potential of single board microcomputers based on these microprocessors and it was left to the electronics hobbyists and entrepreneurs , who responded by giving birth to the microcomputer industry .
28 This book is now being sold freely to children of all ages and it is intended by the publishers to be read by children of eight years upwards .
29 Pork was the staple diet of most Europeans for many centuries and it was said that the peasants of Britain lived on bread , bacon and beer .
30 In Amersham , the church meeting of the Lower Meeting House ( Baptist ) heard in 1892 that ‘ several of our young members have been absent from the means of grace [ communion ] for many months and it was resolved that they be visited by two members of the Church ’ .
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