Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] be [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is significant , given that many commentators in 1983 thought that the policies of the Conservative and Labour parties were further apart than at any time over the previous thirty years .
2 The fact that the lyrical desperation is aligned to some seethingly classic melodies is both here and there .
3 The British musicals are simply here because people like them . ’
4 He had assured Lucille that he fought only because his pension would be jeopardized if he refused , but in truth he had wanted to know whether the old skills were still there or whether , like a cannon fired too fast and too often , he had simply worn himself out as a soldier .
5 We also use those homes as centres for day care , and the financial effects of that are estimated and taken out of these calculations , but I think it 's important for members to remember that your residential homes are n't purely and simply providing only residential care , they are also centres for day care in that particular area .
6 Furthermore , installing any static system in the overcrowded British Isles was neither militarily nor politically sensible .
7 I expect one of the old ladies was up there and dropped a fag end or something , and just forgot it .
8 In this case a child 's shortest distance to school along public thoroughfares was just less than 3 miles .
9 So the distance makes something look rather fainter , and similarly if you have something like a particular kind of start that you can identify by some property — which we 'll perhaps talk about in a moment — if you can identify it and you know how bright it is , then the fainter ones are further away and you can estimate the distance by how faint they are .
10 With regard to stereotyping , the justifiable objections are not only that males and females are depicted as occupying separate and ‘ traditional ’ spheres , but that the books present an over-exaggerated version of contemporary gender roles .
11 However , police statistics suggest that the total number of such cases is barely more than 100 nationally .
12 In general , this is a general point , the ionic selectivity of such channels is much less than for voltage gated channels .
13 Six months is neither here nor there in the scheme of things .
14 The average in Japanese companies was rather more than twice this percentage .
15 The number of cases of developed Aids is now more than 2,649 .
16 It is interesting that such distinctions are most clearly and most confidently made in relatively complex and highly specialized societies .
17 Mr Charkin 's research — difficult because of the very large number of publishers in the business , most unquoted — has shown him that average profits are usually less than 5% of turnover .
18 As the increase in synthesis in rectal mucosa from patients with inflammatory bowel disease was very much less than this , the increase in whole body protein turnover in such patients is not solely because of an increase in colonic protein synthesis .
19 It was an effort to move their legs but just possible , and they edged forward , past Mr Chan and Steve , past a couple of policemen — all looking as if their real selves were somewhere else and only their bodies were on Monument Hill , held immobile just as the cars were .
20 The anterior or basalar sclerites are never more than two in number , and lie just above the episternum , while the posterior or subalar sclerite is almost always single and lies behind the pleural wing process and above the epimeron .
21 Private dealers are neither more nor less scrupulous than dealers who operate from retail outlets , but they may prove more difficult to track down if something goes wrong .
22 The context of these cases is very often that a question has been asked about the validity of a disposition left in unconfirmed codicils .
23 The event at UCF Headquarters , at 40 Eglantine Avenue in Belfast , runs until Saturday , with opening times being 9am-5pm tomorrow and 10am-12.30pm on Saturday .
24 The senior officials of these institutions are therefore more or less free to act as they wish , so long as they show a reasonable profit .
25 of site assessment [ left ] and of off licence buying , decided to tackle the London Marathon the hard way , realsing that three legs were not better than two .
26 This omission in these sectors is not necessarily or intrinsically a bad thing , but it makes forward planning and therefore continuity of programmes more difficult .
27 How many fewer places are there today than there were two years ago ?
28 " These problems are now more or less under control , with the mature plants helping to blanket out the weeds , " explains Barbara .
29 These variations are however more or less superficial and the main differences between timbers lie in their density .
30 The probability that a power law can explain all three observations is therefore less than 5% .
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