Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [that] [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They work for those and algebra just follows , so it just follows the normal rules that we 're using for the numbers that we know .
2 Do you just drift along and accept what comes your way , rather than having specific goals that you are working towards in life ?
3 Is that on the cards , or has Unesco got some rules that he is going to enforce after all ?
4 IT IS NOT the free trips that I am going to miss .
5 She was worried about her husband ; it had been obvious for the past few days that something was preying on his mind .
6 However , as the Secretary of State will understand , there are substantial start-up costs , and conservation interests will be disappointed because of the enhanced responsibilities that they are taking on board and the increased staffing to which they are committed .
7 No he can be an American dream and he can also represent Russia because they 're different things that you 're talking about .
8 Gloucester 's success implies a more effective use of the patronage at his disposal , and there are some suggestions that he was running the duchy in his own interests .
9 Gloucester 's success implies a more effective use of the patronage at his disposal , and there are some suggestions that he was running the duchy in his own interests .
10 You know , there are different ways that we are lost .
11 Well that 's a lot cheaper than the Jersey and Scottish holidays that we 're looking at !
12 The confusion , fortified by a fear on the part of some members that they were going to be asked to make way for Austen Chamberlain and Birkenhead , gave Baldwin almost complete freedom .
13 People in poor countries lose touch with their own ways of meeting their needs — and may be too polite to tell foreign volunteers that they are compounding the problem .
14 Er er , I 've , er I just I 'm just saying that , er , that , that last year er , when I made a few remarks that they were misquoted by Reuters and we did leave the meeting and the share price dropped by er , several P and we had to send out a correcting statement so this year we 've taken the precaution of issuing a press release er , at the same time as er , er , I 'm making these remarks so I hope at least they wo n't be misinterpreted .
15 Take some pills that you were given last night .
16 Take some pills that you were given last night .
17 MR NORMAN Tebbit 's decision to raise the stakes in the Conservatives ' Hong Kong immigration row with a brutal attack on the Cabinet 's policy last night convinced some MPs that he is preparing a bid for the party leadership when Mrs Thatcher retires .
18 Mr Norman Tebbit attacked Cabinet policy for Hong Kong yesterday , convincing some MPs that he was manoeuvring to succeed Mrs Thatcher when she retires .
19 but you 're using so many different chemicals that it 's getting more and more confusing
20 Hypnotists now often suggest that the subject focuses his attention by staring fixedly at a drawing pin on the wall , while telling him in rather monotonous tones that he is becoming more relaxed and sleepy .
21 There are only a few places where he can be , but it is n't until 0500 hours that he is found walking along Unter den Linden , the most famous and beautiful of Berlin 's pre-war streets , having apparently lost contact with his friends .
22 The Quebec government ordered the Army to dismantle the barricades on Aug. 27 , having refused to accede to the Mohawks ' additional demands that they be treated as a sovereign nation during negotiations and be granted immunity from prosecution .
23 It is important to remember that it is not the spelling of individual words that you are trying to teach , but the basic spelling patterns , so that pupils can spell correctly words they have n't been taught but want to write .
24 Seen from the church at Pras des Chamonix , or bustling Montenvers , they rise : a single phallus of red granite , so impossibly shocking to Victorian sensibilities that they were left untouched until well after Alpinism 's ‘ Golden Age ’ passed in 1865 with Whymper 's epic on that other quintessential alp , the Matterhorn .
25 Parents will need to see gains in their children 's learning in return for the extra efforts that they are expected to make .
26 And the Bank is pushing the options in such quantities that it is keeping their price lower than it should be .
27 He raised with me certain personal problems that he was facing and I asked him to come to my regular constituency surgery to discuss matters in more detail .
28 In view of Leicester Energy Limited 's continued interest in the establishment of a combined heat and power scheme in Leicester , will the Minister give his wholehearted support and instruct his officials to give their wholehearted co-operation to Leicester Energy Limited in the tremendous efforts that it is making to promote that scheme ?
29 Justin Lekhanya , the former Chair of the Military Council , was placed under house arrest on Aug. 1 following allegations that he was plotting to return to power ; he was prohibited from associating with anyone other than his family and his doctor .
30 The Attorney General G. Ramaswamy resigned on Nov. 10 following allegations that he was granted a Rs150,000 unsecured overdraft facility by Standard Chartered , the United Kingdom bank implicated in the Bombay securities scandal [ see p. 39145 ] .
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