Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb base] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 eight hours sleep I should think .
2 Many of Britain 's 18,000 dentists say they will refuse to take any more NHS patients if the Government cuts subsidies .
3 But outbreaks of Bovine TB have doubled in Gloucestershire and some surrounding counties over the last 3 years and some vets say we must throw aside sentimentality and act now BEFORE the problem reaches epidemic proportions .
4 Results will be given as quickly as possible , but some experts fear they could take up to a month if demand is high .
5 It stood north of the village , and some experts believe it may have been the fulling mill called Beckmill in 1474 .
6 A single death should always be regarded as possible cause for concern , but unless further cases occur you can regard it as just one of those things .
7 To justify their failure to grant compensation , French authorities argue they could have simply stopped ‘ Jardin a Auvers ’ from leaving the country by invoking the 1941 Vichy law , which makes no provision for compensation .
8 For example if your speed is 90 kt and the chart says 2 minutes outbound you will plan to fly 5 nm , ie 2 minutes at 150 kt .
9 Folklore has it that any economic revival starts in the housing market as homeowners and would-be homeowners decide they can put off moving or buying no longer .
10 British Waterways believe they could use other canal networks , via Oxford and Milton Keynes , to move Welsh water to the south east of England , avoiding future drought .
11 The fees vary from about £10 to £40 per session , depending on the trainer 's skills , how much in demand he or she is , the distance travelled and what some trainers assess you can afford .
12 Some workers believe they can see through the ‘ emperor 's clothes ’ , arguing that if a fear of strangers is not actually an illusion , it is irredeemably elusive .
13 The organisations ' leaders are believed to have incurred Deng 's displeasure , and some observers doubt they can survive the new reform campaign .
14 The fighting has so disrupted the country that some observers believe it may divide between north and south along ethnic lines , or into a patchwork of Islamic fiefdoms controlled by the Mujahideen tribal warlords .
15 Separating passengers would add time to the tunnel journey and some observers believe it could destroy any time advantage over ferries , putting a question mark over Eurotunnel 's entire operation .
16 I 've found that after a few years experience you can tell , you just can you know ; which even if you 've got a group with two very imaginative kids in , who can play instruments really well , and the others sit back and let them do it , then you might give the difference between two out of ten and nine out of ten for effort in the same group , but for the overall effect they would then get the same mark for the group thing .
17 Some tenants fear they could have to pay again , or face eviction .
18 So some academics fear they might fall behind in the promotion race if they get involved with TCS . ’
19 So some academics fear they might fall behind in the promotion race if they get involved with TCS . ’
20 While banks welcome the change , some critics fear it could do them more harm than good .
21 Beaten 16 times in the last 17 years over the 4 mile Putney to Mortlake course and virtually written off by the bookies , the Light Blues insist they can turn the tide .
22 Dear God ; why do these old men discover they can get new careers lumbering ape-like through rock history .
23 This is all of a piece with the way some men assume they may stare at women , stand close to them and invade their physical space by touching .
24 AN AMAZING number of British women reckon they might dab a spot of Jacques Delors behind their ears .
25 But Social Services hope they 'll see the advantages of doing so .
26 But some Tories think he might get more than he has bargained for .
27 ‘ Consumers do n't really know Tencel yet but once merchandise is available at retail stores and our in-store events begin they will become aware of Tencel as a luxury fibre . ’
28 If a data link is required between a substation and a central operations room it must go by other means , such as the telephone network .
29 They would ally themselves with the united Labour forces and afford the possibilities of developing a mighty Peoples Front which will bring down the National Government . "
30 Some non-muslim parents say they 'll boycott swimming lessons while they 're segregated .
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