Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 However , her favourite roles came in two Glenn Miller movies Sun Valley Serenade ( 1941 ) , as the band 's vocalist ( Pat Friday dubbing her singing ‘ I Know Why ’ ) , and as one of the Orchestra Wives the following year .
2 On Nov. 29 , 300 French troops arrived in neighbouring Benin , the French Foreign Ministry insisting , however , that the action was taken to protect the 3,000 French nationals in Togo .
3 More slowly , ministers and departments of State charged more or less specifically with the conduct of foreign affairs emerged in most West European countries , though it was not until late in the eighteenth century that this process began to reach completion .
4 One has the odd title of the Boulevard du B.A.B. , revealing that it has taken over the line of the old tramway , the Bayonne-Anglet-Biarritz ; the other , further back from the coast , is the N10 , once the crowded highway along which French motorists hurtled into northern Spain but now a gentler place to drive , the motorway having supplanted it .
5 One of our very old members died on 16 May in the Victoria Infirmary .
6 Belgian resistance in the last of the untaken forts continued until 15 August .
7 All the continental microplates contain Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks intruded by late Jurassic granites .
8 Both of these proposals conflicted with official CP policy .
9 Evidence of a successful Iraqi military offensive against Kurdish rebels emerged in late March shortly after the suppression of a mainly Shia uprising in the south [ see pp. 38081-82 ] .
10 Reports of fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces over the disputed region of Nagorny Karabakh and other rival claims persisted through late September and the whole of October , despite the ceasefire agreements of Aug. 28 and Sept. 25 [ see pp. 39059 ; 39108 ] .
11 In July a series of yellow signs appeared in central London , warning that potentially disruptive pre-construction work would shortly begin .
12 Soviet troops advanced into Korea to accept the surrender of Japanese forces ; Stalin kept his word and when American troops arrived on 8 September , they assumed responsibility to the 38th parallel .
13 The four Roman catholic archbishops replied on 28 April that they opposed divorce in general , and particularly the type of what they considered to be unrestricted divorce proposed in the constitutional amendment ( Irish Times , 28 Apr. 1986 ) .
14 The first real brush between the two sides came on 17 December when Cumberland 's horsemen approached the rear of the baggage train between Shap and Penrith , but it was not till next day that a more serious encounter occurred .
15 Since no more than 1,000 Russian citizens lived in Russian America at any one time in the history of the Russian-American Company , holding on to Alaska indefinitely was going to prove difficult .
16 TWO sailors died during gale-lashed Cowes Week yacht races yesterday … one a man competing against Prince Philip and Prince Edward .
17 INDIAN police surrounded a housing estate in a Bombay suburb yesterday to flush out two gunmen wanted for last Friday 's series of bombings in the city in which at least 250 people died .
18 In 1967 an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease decimated the herds of Cheshire in particular and a small group of local farmers restocked with imported Holsteins , because they were cheaper than British Friesians , and continued to import from North America in larger numbers .
19 Both processes resulted in similar CL zonation patterns .
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