Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [Wh pn] [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it is a sort of demoralisation , not surprising considering the misfortunes which have wracked the East Asian communities now in Britain — first their years of suffering associated with their expulsion from Africa , then their experiences at the hands of racist British authorities who tried to keep them out of Britain , and finally the day-to-day racism which they have faced in Britain as refugees .
2 Given the chance last Sunday , East Germans not only dished the communist would-be reformers who succeeded Erich Hon-ecker but the civil-rights campaigners who had brought his wretched regime down and the Social Democrats who hoped to replace them both .
3 ( c ) the offeror receives a binding commitment from the merchant bank to pay cash to accepting shareholders who elect to receive it in return for the offeror procuring the allotment to the merchant bank ( or , as directed , sub-underwriters ) of the consideration shares ( by means of the nominations received from accepting shareholders ) .
4 Moreover , popular schools would seldom be able to accommodate as pupils the children of all parents who wanted to send them there .
5 Deeply though a great deal of crime fiction today is rooted in the blueprint detective story , there is now only a small public for such books in their pure form and , I think , there are not so many writers who want to produce them .
6 She was also a kind of mascot of the liberal intelligentsia — had she not come up the hard way from the very bottom of the heap to stand by Miller 's side defying the anti-Communist witch-hunters who wanted to jail him ?
7 Among the many friends who came to wish her a happy birthday were , he read a piece written for Miss Laye by the Hon.
8 Malcolm , who worked as the ‘ Hyster Driver ’ in the warehouse , is shown shaking hands with Alec Shaw ( right ) , Warehouse Manager , together with many friends who gathered to wish him farewell .
9 At one stage in her career , it had seemed you could n't open up a rock paper or one of the tabloids without seeing her tumbling golden mane and her lazy catlike smile captured by one of the many photographers who seemed to dog her every step .
10 Rodinal is undoubtedly a ‘ classic ’ in every sense of the word and the many photographers who continue to use it , or indeed who have recently discovered it , never look back ; their results speak for themselves .
11 Sometimes this involves heavy conflict , and he may ever after be sensitive to the threat posed by powerful women who try to dominate him .
12 Her fame was such that , in the early Eighties , the company received numerous offers from owners of beautiful houses who wanted to have them decorated in ‘ Laura Ashley ’ fabrics and then allow the company to use them in its publicity .
13 ‘ We have chartered a plane and actually have a waiting list at the moment of more supporters who want to join us .
14 ( Beware of those therapists who seek to charge you for a complete course of treatment at the very beginning , as it is almost impossible to know how well each individual will respond and therefore how many sessions will be needed . )
15 Of all the requests made by those patients who come to consult me , the most common by far is for me to ‘ make them more confident ’ .
16 Dirty washing makes an equal division of tasks impossible , even for those couples who wish to achieve it .
17 A gentle , flower-garlanded goddess , Lakshmi spent a great deal of her time in contemplating the universe and bestowed gifts of calm and wisdom upon those mortals who sought to emulate her through transcendental meditation .
18 But for UK and Irish holidaymakers who want to combine it with a Florida vacation , it is also an attractive deal .
19 However , this has often depended on individual special projects — and on the highly committed innovators who tend to run them .
20 Well erm just have to get on with it and and and cope , there 's plenty of single parents who have to do it themselves all the time .
21 By degrees the British came to dominate this trade , partly because they were so committed to sugar that they were bound to make large purchases of slaves on their own account , partly because their increasingly dominant position at sea meant that they could take the place of the Dutch as general suppliers of slaves for planters in other European colonies who wanted to buy them .
22 I would appreciate it if the two gentlemen who stopped to help me when I had an accident with my car on the road near Dounreay on 1/12/92 would contact me — Ellen Campbell , Reay 345 .
23 In the security of the castle , run under the English training of Lady Macleod , and as long as he could potter from room to room , with the occasional short foray out beneath the weather , Johnson relaxed , and flexed his muscles for his hosts and the other guests who called to see him .
24 ‘ If we can prove this works , ’ Mr Dowding said , ‘ I am sure there are a lot of other farmers who want to give it a try and are just waiting .
25 As a consequence , those figures became inspirational to other slaves who attempted to emulate them : the Richmond-Molyneux effect .
26 By now the cameras were filming the fists , and the bodies struggling in the grip of those blond , uniformed young men who tried to drag them from their seats .
27 The Senate is notorious for closing ranks against any young politicians who try to use it as a springboard for something grander .
28 SASPAC91 for PC 's is being made available under the CHEST deal to academic sites who want to hold it ; the cost of a site licence is just under 3,000 for five years , and about 15 sites have taken up this offer .
29 A PART FROM a few dedicated individuals who preferred to do it the ‘ hard way ’ ( we 'll discuss that in a moment ) , the flying of a model helicopter upside down became possible with the introduction of the ‘ invert switch ’ .
30 And these are the three main politicians who hope to sort them out .
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