Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [coord] be [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The supply of money is assumed to be under the control of the monetary authorities and is not influenced by changes in national income or in interest rates .
2 The following chapter considers the various policies which have been proposed to deal with regional imbalances and is then followed by a study of inner cities .
3 Research posts often have short-term contracts and are rarely held on a tenured basis .
4 She hurtled over cliffs in flaming cars or was brutally murdered on her way to the dry cleaners .
5 The painting was consigned for sale at one of Sotheby 's European offices and was subsequently transferred to London with the knowledge of Scotland Yard 's Art and Antiques Squad .
6 On the pitch they were easy targets for unscrupulous defenders and were frequently cautioned for retaliatory violence .
7 30 minutes and are then regurgitated .
8 The crypts separated from the lamina propria mucosa within about 30 minutes and were promptly fixed in 70% ethanol .
9 Built of stone rubble faced with ashlar ( stone dressed to a smooth finish ) and Roman tiles , the original polygonal tower may have been 80 feet high , but it had fallen into ruin by medieval times and was partly rebuilt , probably in the reign of Henry V. It still stands to a height of 40 feet , however , and we can see the original windows which were tiny on the outside walls to prevent draughts interfering with the flames of the beacon at the top .
10 Perhaps monotony , fragmentation and excessive pace are noted by few housewives and are not bound up with a dominant feeling of dissatisfaction .
11 It was invented by the Tibetan lamas and was originally reserved for the use of the elite corps of bodyguards that protected the emperor of China .
12 They did not express public opinions and were rarely touched by even those organisations , trade unionist , political or otherwise , which bothered to appeal to them .
13 The soft-bodied Ediacaran animals occupied a wide range of Vendian ( Latest Proterozoic ) marine environments and are now known from all over the world .
14 Indeed , the refurbishment of the 220 building results from AEA 's commercial considerations and is not necessitated by Ministry of Defence contracts .
15 Disallowed Ramachandran angles associated with active sites have been found in some proteins and are generally believed to have structural and also possible functional roles .
16 These he translated into murals in gouache on paper which covered the walls of the Colony Room for some months and were later replaced by a Jamaican oil painting and a portrait of Ricky Stride which Muriel Belcher owned .
17 The training and work programmes last from 6 to 12 months and are broadly based , ranging from construction , engineering to clerical , information technology etc .
18 His classical A Treatise on Aphasia and Other Speech Disorders ( 1898 ) was the topic of his Lumleian lectures and was later translated into Italian and German .
19 In practice this second exception is unimportant because bearer securities have never been popular with English investors or English companies and are rarely issued and hardly ever in respect of shares , as opposed to bearer bonds , ( i.e. debentures ) which are sometimes issued to attract Continental investors who have a traditional liking for securities in bearer form .
20 They offer a few scholarships but are mainly attended by boys from well-to-do families who want their sons to get into the officer corps .
21 The new conditions of sale have been drafted for both domestic and commercial transactions and are not restricted to transactions where the National Protocol is followed .
22 that the purpose of avoiding liability to taxation was not the purpose or one of the purposes for which the transfer or associated operations or any of them were effected ; or 2. that the transfer and any associated operations were bona fide commercial transactions and were not designed for the purpose of avoiding liability to taxation ( s741 ) .
23 Version 1 of Rescalc has been around for some years and is today regarded as rather palaeolithic .
24 The chapter on ‘ Speech , song and emotions ’ interested me ; ‘ Perceptual onset of musical tones ’ and the chapter on electronic music ‘ as a bridge between psychoacoustics and music ’ both contain some interesting ideas and are well presented .
25 His proud mother , Rita Coyne , said : ‘ He has struggled for two and a half years and is now determined to live life to the full . ’
26 ‘ He went to Sam 's boatyard and fell through some floorboards and was nearly drowned
27 It is important that this works well for records to ensure retrieval across media and different sources and is not derived from data management methodologies alone .
28 Don Charlwood survived 30 ops and is well qualified to bring their stories together .
29 A look at this shy and distinctive creature which has lived in Britain for thousands of years and featured in many favourite stories but is rarely seen in its natural habitat .
30 Because it is a so-called higher order network — a more complex mathematical model than conventional neural networks — it can recognise images that are presented in different positions or are poorly defined .
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