Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [pers pn] have [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 Inside 12 months we 've gone from being an old side to having some very encouraging youngsters . ’
2 With the handing over to the Council of Europe in 1960 of the social and cultural responsibilities it had inherited from the Treaty of Brussels , it seemed that to all intents and purposes WEU had become moribund .
3 In the past few years it has suffered from serious errors in planning and a lack of investment .
4 With very few exceptions they have refrained from ostentation : indeed their Nonconformist distaste for personal extravagance , reinforced by infusions of Scottish blood , has sometimes prompted small economies which , in the light of their extraordinary benevolence to good causes , have been accepted as amusingly careful instead of absurdly mean .
5 Within a few weeks he had resigned from the party and become the founder of a new movement , the British National Socialist League .
6 I slipped into the great four-poster bed , whispered a few French endearments I had learnt from a wench and set to with a will .
7 Nicholson brought instant stability to the production and introduced some of the rigid controls he had learned from the Corman modus operandi .
8 Daddy gone , Sambo gone , Mrs Dibdin gone — and the few relics we had left from the olden days all sold , and the house up for sale … ’
9 He delivered the letter , together with a few flowers he 'd nicked from a cemetery .
10 Twenty and thirty-pound nets are not uncommon and long ago I lost count of the double-figure nets I 've had from the rivers named above and others such as the Vyrnwy and Banwy , two small rivers which feed the upper Severn .
11 She was filled with happiness , although during the past six weeks she had suffered from indecision and doubts .
12 There has been an enormous and very genuine outcry over the vast sums it has made from a virtual monopoly position .
13 The moral consequences we have drawn from awareness of how someone else feels could not be derived from the mere knowledge that he is suffering and needs my help .
14 There has been the feeling that the emotional outpourings she has drawn from her panellists have been inspired largely by the ‘ glamour ’ of television .
15 During the past three months I have purchased from the Institute two publications .
16 There had been little birdsong in the devastated places I had come from and I think it was the striking on my ear of the calling of a blackbird , so meaningful somehow as it sounded out clearly from the delicious chatter in those trees that made me feel the war was over .
17 As the mature version of deep slow wave sleep develops in the first year of life , and daytime sleeping is displaced by wakefulness , the number of hours spent in active ( REM ) sleep is eroded until by the age of three years it has dropped from twelve hours to three or four .
18 In response to the prevailing economic conditions it has withdrawn from peripheral businesses and has focused on the core activities represented by its silver products .
19 If we 'd had half the help from British Government for crumbling schools we 've had from Europe , we 'd have had a lot more done .
20 To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many representations he has received from patients about NHS trusts ; and if he will make a statement .
21 She took off the snazzy shades she had taken from the preacherman they 'd jump-rammed this morning , and passed them back to Andrew Jean .
22 Before that we consider in the next chapter some of the criticisms of the model and of the major results we have derived from it .
23 He tried to remember what the weather had been like in the last week and realized he had no idea ; like many city-dwellers he had moved from flat to car to office without registering any variation .
24 But , two good dinners we 've had from it
25 But one of the most persistent and pernicious myths we 've inherited from Descartes is that mentality is essentially conscious , so that anything we ca n't introspect ca n't really be going on in our mind .
26 This included one of the most severe letters I had seen from his pen .
27 Some auctioneers will exchange items if they prove to be the wrong colour , design or size , but this is entirely at their discretion , and much will depend on the specific instructions they have received from the vendor .
28 While Dick Piper was hard pushed to find the five shillings he had borrowed from Harry Pierpoint , the father of the princess who was to become Queen Mary was jibbing at paying tradesmen 's bills which he had allowed to grow to around £20,000 .
29 Is that alright , cos then you 've gone away with any ideas you 've got from now which is probably none , er and then it also means that I do n't have to spend next week worrying in case we get to Friday and Thursday and you 're still not sure what you 're doing .
30 For several years she had suffered from painful endometriosis , which was at first misdiagnosed and then treated unnecessarily by surgery .
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