Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] i [vb past] him " in BNC.

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1 Stuart was only 17 years old and it is a tribute to his strength and personality that he was still conscious when the rescue team arrived , one and a half hours after I left him to go for help .
2 He had not been one of the late Stalin 's critics , but I liked the way he sang his large repertoire of Scottish folksongs and I heeded him when he denounced Butch and Sundance .
3 In the early weeks after I had him I suffered from postnatal depression .
4 Fifty-two years before I met him , Lawrence Beesley had been a second-class passenger on the maiden voyage of the Titanic .
5 It was when we had settled down to talk in comfortable armchairs that I told him that the man for whom I had substituted at Marlborough , in the hope of replacing him altogether , now planned to return , so that once more I should be out of a job .
6 I died a thousand deaths before I got him ashore , but eventually , at the fourth attempt , I managed to beach the fish .
7 I heard something about this he said , er I was on holidays all last week he said but erm it 's bloody lies cos I saw him last week .
8 On two occasions he joined large dinner parties designed to raise money for particular charities and I witnessed him reduced to slumping over the table on folded arms , where he remained comatose until gently removed at the end of the meal .
9 Benjamin became lost in his own thoughts so I left him alone and lay on my own bed thinking about Mathilda until the bell sounded for supper .
10 He seemed to know a lot about female mysteries and I wanted him to explain .
11 I had it for about two weeks before I told him I 'd got it !
12 Two days after I met him I went to prison .
13 ‘ But it 's only four days since I saw him . ’
14 My priestly friend set me down outside the two cathedrals and I bade him a fond farewell .
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