Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] they [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Then she heard all of them , crashing through brush and low branches as they followed her towards the road .
2 Merseyside police have revealed that they probably killed James a few hours after they took him from the Strand shopping centre in Bootle .
3 Knight bannerets of the king 's household stopped them but Cranston muttered a few words and they let him by .
4 In the event of trouble , remove the villain , let the other fish settle for a few days and them put him back .
5 So this morning the fat little chap in the long white coat who was sorting us out in the Dean 's Office said I 'd better come along here for a few days until they got me organized with another partner .
6 Carrickfergus itself , lacking walls and protected only by a ruined castle , rapidly surrendered when the garrison 's ammunition ran out and the Belfast authorities were sufficiently intimidated to send the French provisions when they demanded them .
7 Working-class women , particularly , may see few relatives but they see them more often , a fact not revealed by the data in table 6.7 .
8 The simplest account for the relationship between risk and recall in this study was that subjects recalled the risky situations because they knew it was an experiment about risk , this knowledge could have affected their performance both at encoding and at retrieval .
9 How do people recognise unfamiliar processes when they encounter them ?
10 We left them some cigarettes and they sent us on our way .
11 er we learnt from America that er a lot of birds that have been caught by cats , die , and everybody 's always assumed it 's shock but the Americans were doing some tests and they found it 's septicaemia from the cat 's teeth .
12 But now what 's happening is , they 're getting rid of the old ones cos they pay them too much !
13 And er little history of that , that was sunk by some Irishmen and they reckon they sank the iri they sank that pit without the aid of a plumb-bob. how true it is .
14 I 've got some pills but they make me feel like a rag in the mornings .
15 ‘ The few who decide to stay on board can still attend normal surgeries if they feel it to be necessary , and the likelihood of a real emergency developing in the meantime is pretty remote .
16 The Hospital wo n't speak about individual cases but they say they never do their own cardiac cases anyway .
17 The light , mocking note in his voice was acutely disturbing , as was the gleam in those deeply hooded granite-grey eyes as they studied her so intently .
18 The central figure is the child , Little Nell , who deeply engaged the sympathies of contemporary readers as they followed her through the hardships of her pilgrimage , made in company with the senile grandfather whom she strives to protect , from the London curiosity shop to the sanctuary of a village where her sufferings end in a peaceful death .
19 We helped second-hand car-buyers , too , when we uncovered British School of Motoring 's clever dodge for covering up their cars ' real origins when they sold them on .
20 Its early days but they expect him to be in hospital for about two months .
21 Enjoy the wealth and infinite variety of these mechanical wonders as they guide you through our world of music .
22 Judging from geological surveys , they expect to have to go down to a depth of 45 metres before they find it .
23 Crewe 's 2-1 win over Mansfield was their first in 10 games but they cut it fine , Cutler scoring the winner two minutes from time .
24 He looked suspicious at first , and so did the Japanese waiters as they helped him pull his tuba case through the very narrow doorway .
25 Everybody had personal assistants whether they needed them or not .
26 In Ballachulish an old man , who had no recollection of the jackdaws , told me , ‘ We all have our names for these mountains but they call them different now . ’
27 Now erm the wealthy peasants or and sort of and , and other people who , who were possibly sort of er small landlords , they were trying to get involved in these associations because they felt they , they could see they were gathering pace and that the , the cost of exclusion would be very high .
28 well they were they was rolling in all the muck in the farmyard but they , they went to the pies just put their noses round them and turned them over and then they s and true as god made little apples they started walking round these pies and they left them and they were still there when we went away .
29 But a victory by Elliott in the final event of General Portfolio 's grandly mis-named Mile of Miles series was all that mattered to selectors three days after they chose him ahead of Cram for the Commonwealth Games .
30 The whole idea of erm a fax is to get the thing there quickly is n't it ? if it 's sort of sitting up on a desk for three days before they bring it down .
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