Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] [conj] i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 He was obviously destined for the professional ranks and as I watched him I could see why .
2 Mark : I never fantasized about particular sexual activities until after I had had sexual activities .
3 My father and mother had died some years before and I lived with my brother Rabah , my sister Rabiha , my wife Sulafa and my baby son .
4 I kept my eyes open over the next few days and although I saw her sitting in the window she never appeared outside .
5 Not that I complained because I was having a great time with it , but I noticed that there were a few changes and when I went back to England from Mustique , that was probably the last time MainMan existed .
6 Certainly she presented me with my medal for the 100 metres and as I stood on the plinth she did not bat an eyelid .
7 So , I had a look at the powers of the police authority and they 're restricted to financial and administrative responsibilities and if I took that argument further , of course the Chief Constable has to take that into account .
8 Erm however erm it it does sound as though it 's one of these policies where as I suspected and said earlier today that it really does n't have any effect on anything and it 's probably something that could be erm crossed out and nobody would even notice it had gone .
9 While I sympathize with the caller from West Calder , I feel we pay poll tax as well to cover all these things but when I bought my house , my solicitor had me in for two hours and went through all my obligations under the title deeds part of was , that I had to pay one three hundredths of keeping the open areas clean and tidy plus grass cutting .
10 It was us two I think what took the brunt of looking after the the younger ones because as I said , my older sister she left Bangor quite young .
11 He said : ‘ They were shooting in all directions but as I drove towards them on my tractor they started to run .
12 I got better results than if I 'd stayed at school .
13 One participant , Rinchen Dolma Taring , wrote in her book , Daughter of Tibet : ‘ The Lhasa women had made many anti-Chinese posters and when I joined them they were lined up around the Barkhor shouting slogans , ‘ From today Tibet is independent ’ and ‘ China must quit Tibet ’ .
14 I sped along Euston Road , hoping for more buses but as I neared Goodge Street all hell seemed to break loose .
15 I mean we could never have paid for all those tyres and when I retired the erm , they actually had a tyre fitter supplied and paid for by they were the , they took over the whole of the tyre maintenance , they had a tyre fitter down there and he used to go up to depot , change any tyres over there that were necessary , he inspected them each day and changed them over but of course he was notifying erm at the same time .
16 Here is a man who antagonised me and bothered me for 16 months and when I said ‘ yes ’ to fighting him again , he said ‘ no ’ .
17 At the end of two years she applied for jobs with various banks and when I met her she had just been accepted as a trainee accounting technician .
18 The only point that I would make is that if you are giving an opiate it will have many of the same effects and if I had to choose , I would probably prefer the opiate to diazepam .
19 I was looking at the vectors on either side of him to see if he had any friends and when I came back he was gone . ’
20 In the strictness of my own father 's wisdom , he instilled into me a deep respect for the opposite sex , so that there was no physical play or caress with any women until after I had married my wife .
21 that 's the perfect time and I had this sort of doubt in my mind erm then I was fortunate I learnt a co a very good scripted presentation for getting referred leads and once I started to actually ask , cos that 's all it comes down to , erm then I was getting three , four , in the end I was being quite clever and saying look if you just restrict them to three then I 'll give them the same good service I reckon I 've given you this service
22 ‘ I think Stan expected me to grab it with both hands and when I declined , he just sat there and could n't believe it .
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