Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] [v-ing] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On Jan. 31 , 1990 , the Financial Times reported West German officials as saying that the recent trade liberalization moves by the USA did not go far enough .
2 The manufacture of disc brooches was a complex procedure requiring the procurement of a wide variety of raw materials and processing before the brooch could be made .
3 Then I shall examine some criticisms of the monist position from a pluralist point of view , trying at the same time to bring out the presuppositions that underly such criticisms and showing that a clarification of these presuppositions demands a critical exploration of certain new philosophical topics that have not been touched on hitherto .
4 It is certainly the case that , a deviant fringe aside , the core of Catholicism maintains the claim to be the only true church , insists that church unity must mean unity with Rome on its terms , and , in such practices as insisting that the children of mixed marriages be raised as Catholics , continues to behave in an ‘ intolerant ’ fashion .
5 I do not read these passages as stating that an unlawful demand which is enforceable is per se sufficient to found recovery .
6 With half a tank of fuel on board , the Renault weighs 1580kg , making it comfortably heavier than any of its chosen rivals and ensuring that the Safrane 's power-to-weight ratio of 108bhp per tonne is the meanest of its class , too .
7 On May 13 the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa issued a statement condemning the arguments used to defend the carrying of traditional weapons and stating that the carrying of axes , spears , assegais and shields at rallies and in urban areas was " a gross distortion of our people 's customs and traditions " .
8 Worries that the relocated employees faced were finding employment for relocated spouses and ensuring that the relocation did not affect children 's schooling .
9 This is what happens with tax exempt sources and by looking at a TESSA and assuming you pay the maximum each year which are those figures and assuming that the interest rate stays at seven and a half percent , it wo n't but it 's seven and a half percent at the moment , then this is what happens , at the end of the first year you 've put in your three thousand your interest at seven and a half percent is two twenty five and you would otherwise pay tax at fifty six at twenty five percent or twenty or forty which would be those figures , but you do n't .
10 I would not regard those remarks as indicating that a compromise with an assignee could never result in relieving the lessee from liability .
11 Western trade and investment there were rapidly growing ; but the duties of western diplomats in Pekin remained essentially those of fostering these economic interests and seeing that no imperial power stole a march on its rivals in this respect .
12 It is no good teaching them as discrete units and hoping that the learner , suddenly faced with a communicative situation , will be able to integrate them all with immediate success .
13 The Council issued a statement on Sept. 9 expressing support for the air exclusion zone imposed over southern Iraq , for the Moslems in Bosnia , the Somali people , and the UAE in its current dispute with Iran — rejecting Iran 's " continued occupation " of the disputed islands and affirming that the GCC would support any measures that the UAE might take to " affirm its sovereignty " .
14 The council received letters from traders complaining of infringements of the Sunday trading legislation by other shops and intimating that the complainants would themselves feel obliged to open on Sundays in order to preserve their trade unless the Act was generally observed .
15 We therefore interpret the isotope data for these two regions as indicating that the high U/Pb ratios of the lavas are also features of the source , with the age of U/Pb fractionation being comparable to the age of the lithosphere .
16 teachers who were prepared to discuss the GIST problem with children , rather than simply accepting VISTA and other interventions and hoping that an implicit message would get through ;
17 This chapter aims to reflect the reality of interdisciplinary contacts while maintaining that the pivot for the development of early learning opportunities for all children is educational and that , therefore , the ‘ lead department ’ in local authorities as far as under-fives ( including of course special needs ) is , or ought legitimately to be , education .
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