Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The competition rules apply to all cases where the agreement , conduct or practices produce an effect on the normal patterns of trade or have a ‘ repercussion ’ on the competitive structure of a market thereby affecting trade between member states .
2 The Remmelink Commission , set up in January 1990 , published its conclusions on Sept. 10 , 1991 , calculating that in the Netherlands there were annually some 2,700 cases of euthanasia or assisting the death of patients , and some 1,000 cases of intervention to terminate the life of patients unable to express their wishes .
3 Both note the signs of alteration and transition — old houses for sale or to let , new ones being built — and both are aware of the encroaching tide of middle-class building .
4 Has this 72 per cent devaluation of the pound helped British exports to Switzerland or has the strong Swiss franc crippled Swiss manufacturing ?
5 Inevitably , there are bound to be risks when breaking the mould by attempting fresh patterns of presentation or using imaginative , unconventional layouts .
6 Even when used , with effort to avoid evaluative overtones and as a purely descriptive device , psychiatric classification leaves much to be desired ; for example in its inability to distinguish clearly between different varieties of psychosis or draw sharp boundaries between the manifestly and the marginally insane , points we shall have cause to enlarge upon later .
7 For slightly more demanding purposes like voting or serving on juries , they need also some minimum level of maturity and sanity , because here their actions affect the interests of others , so they need to understand what they are doing .
8 Most of them it 's been questions of rather less fundamental changes in the actual teaching style in the classroom and sometimes it 's been a question of concentrating on rather different kinds of things or giving more time to one kind of activity than another , or changing the pattern of assignments that they gave children , or things that were still well within the capacity of teachers to change without involving sort of fundamental changes in teaching style .
9 It 's been a difficult few weeks for the princess ; after a book on her life and marriage was published ; it 's at time like this problems with relationships or turning points , that many people consult Debbie .
10 A few drops of lavender or marjoram oil in a small bowl of warm water by the patient 's bed may aid relaxation and promote sleep .
11 Purchase behaviour is motivated by a series of different levels of need or want .
12 The Emperor Frederick I drew his popular names of Barbarossa or Rothbart from his red coloured beard .
13 The early skills were brought by French exiles , lured by high rates of pay or driven out by religious persecution ; labour was provided by the considerable fund of casual workers who dragged a living from squatting in the woods and heaths .
14 The landowners ' letters to the Home Secretary revealed the extent to which they were initially unable to accept that their labourers were more than usually discontented ; according to the more alarmist gentry , ‘ travelling incendiaries respectably attired ’ were racing round the area in fast carriages , firing incendiary pellets from slings or crossbows into haystacks .
15 It also acknowledges its debt in what is said about electronic instruments to Repair or Replace ?
16 Suggestions for extension work should have been thought out by the publishers , also follow-up assignments and how the software might be fitted into further schemes of work or related to other subject areas .
17 Few LEA officers have any experience of delegated budgets in schools or have themselves worked in schools where pilot schemes have been operating .
18 In his letter of Aug. 14 Saddam had underlined his determination " not to keep any of Iraq 's potential outside the arena of the great duel " and it was widely believed that this implied either an intention to consolidate Iraqi gains in Kuwait or launch an attack against Saudi Arabia .
19 It does not distinguish between different types of hearsay or impose any procedural requirements for its admission .
20 Never empty ashes into cane or rush wastepaper baskets .
21 Of 600 crofters evicted from Glen Tilt at the end of the eighteenth century , not one was less than six feet in height or measured less than 17 inches around the calf .
22 It is a sad reflection on Bank Management that our members have taken on additional responsibilities without recognition or recompense by the Banks .
23 But I have more chance of improving that than knocking 10 years off Gregory or adding speed to Fox .
24 It is therefore usual for the company to provide a compensation package which either covers the shipment of the employees ' personal belongings to Britain or enables them to buy afresh here .
25 We carry the memory of childhood like a photo in a locket , fierce and possessive for pain or calm ; everybody 's past is inviolate , separate , sacrosanct , our heads are different countries with no maps or dictionaries , people walk vast deserts of grief or inhabit walled gardens of joy .
26 Reflecting this , something approaching half of personal loans from banks or finance companies were used to buy things costing more than £500 , and only six per cent to buy things costing under £100 .
27 Technical advancement around the Group currently involves four major installations , either in the early stages of operation or undergoing test runs .
28 Quite clearly the reason that people have been asked to come along this evening and have come along this evening is to put there points of view about how the see the theatre in the future what is programme facilities are the things that are n't happening here they feel should be happening here that 's what it 's for not here to serve any purpose for individuals to get up and make personal cuts on people or say what happen on a Saturday morning or a Thursday afternoon cos I
29 Garden line and reel Though you can mange with two short stakes and a length of cord , a garden line with reel and peg saves a lot of frustration and time when sowing individual rows of seed or marking border edges .
30 It was estimated that the level of social security contribution cuts suggested by Moynihan would increase the 1991 budget deficit by $55,000 million , thereby making it imperative to impose real cuts in spending or to raise new taxes if the Gramm-Rudman target was to be achieved .
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