Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] out on the " in BNC.

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1 Walking through Ricky 's woods , Daisy noticed ruby-red sticky buds thrusting out on the chestnuts , although many of the trees still clung on to their shrivelled brown leaves .
2 And when old words die out on the tongue , new melodies break forth from the heart ; and where the old tracks are lost , new country is revealed with its wonders .
3 with some goodies laid out on the table ,
4 At one point , when some pages Spilled out on the floor , he remarked , as if it were an integral part of his commentary , that ‘ some people ’ did not realize the importance of properly securing a typescript .
5 As the ‘ laar ’ ( breath ) of wind is from the south east , I head slowly up the western shore , knowing that , with the ebbing tide , there will be a few seals hauled out on the rocks .
6 LET'S GO surfing now — John Milius ’ most successful movie sets out on the ocean wave of West Coast surfing culture following the metamorphosis of three macho beach bums during the '60s decade of lost innocence , alcoholism , the draft and the mythic rites played out on the ocean wave .
7 Initially these are no more than tiny wisps streaked out on the surface of the lava , like flecks of foam on a river , which are soon engulfed once more in the main mass .
8 They inevitably knock on the door on the one evening of the month when you 're dolled up in your glad rags to go out on the town .
9 There were nights when stone hot-water bottles left out on the floor froze solid .
10 I have little in them , nothing that matters , but those few crumpled contents laid out on the table are my possessions .
11 The two headlining dates sold out on the strength of Kurt Cobain 's influential praise , and the ‘ Flame On ’ single sold heavily on the college campuses .
12 I photographed her , the rug , the interior of the garage , the woodworking equipment and electric saws laid out on the workbench beside the handbag and folded blue jacket .
13 Many fans missed out on the limited runs of the seven-inch versions and the 12-inch was also more suited for export .
14 There must be seals — and then there they were , 18 seals hauled out on the rocks .
15 He said the Thatcher years would be seen as the time ‘ in which existing pensioners missed out on the prosperity afforded to the great majority in this country .
16 Caroline Flint says the change does n't address the real problem : that all women lose out on the right level of postnatal care .
17 Police inquiry desks in Darlington will be staffed by civilians rather than policemen , leaving more officers to go out on the beat , if the Chief Constable of County Durham gets his way .
18 Stay-at-home Americans missed out on the best of the world 's bull market in the 1980s .
19 Independent tests carries out on the packs , including representative chemicals from acids , alkalis and solvents , proved the broad chemical compatibility of the sorbent material used and it was noted that the pack can be applied to a wide range of chemical leakages .
20 Five parties set out on the night of 11 July , led by Martin , Jellicoe , Jordan , Fraser and Mayne .
21 Thereafter I looked out of all the windows of the snug hostelry , and not finding a satisfactory view , for it now rained in earnest , and it was vain to hope to be able to sketch out of doors , I noticed a new house a short distance from the inn ( it was being prepared for a doctor ) ; was entrusted with the keys , and from one of the front windows looked out on the rainy scene depicted in the sketch of ‘ Garrynahine , Isle of Lewis . ’
22 The series is geared towards the needs of amateur painters starting out on the road to success .
23 Many new fans missed out on the spiky delights of their early material so Red Rhino did a mopping up exercise and put 12 songs on a mid-price album called ‘ Tommy ’ .
24 I was listening engrossed to the woman I was walking to work with , who the night before had found two night-screws stretched out on the desk in a passionate embrace when she 'd gone downstairs to the office to ask for a Tampax .
25 She 'd have things in trays on their table — cakes and bread and ginger biscuits and cough candy — but it was really queer because when you went in you could n't smell any of the lovely things laid out on the table .
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