Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] [noun pl] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 While C2 Certificate holders would normally proceed directly into employment , there should , however , be opportunities for some students to acquire credits allowing them eventually to obtain a C1 Certificate .
2 Shareholders will be offered the alternative of buying six new shares for every four held , at a price still to be set , or else taking three shares and three bonds carrying warrants making them convertible into shares at a later date .
3 Thompson shows that again and again in the last century these men resented efforts to make them into ‘ tools ’ or ‘ implements ’ .
4 Cover outdoor sandboxes to prevent cats using them — although toxoplasmosis is not dangerous to children a pregnant woman could be infected in this way .
5 All duvets need covers to keep them clean and as a result designers have had virtual carte blanche in producing happy and aesthetic designs for the covers .
6 Through provision of computer databases , hardware , software and training , the new database section has enabled many geologists to use computers to assist them in their work .
7 Egyptian sages had dream-manuals to help them make their interpretation , Joseph , by contrast , depends completely on God to make the meaning clear .
8 Since then the importers have run more advertisements asking owners to contact them .
9 It will mean trade union members refused work by anti-union firms or blacklisted by groups such as the Economic League on grounds of union membership , will be able to get industrial tribunals to direct employers to hire them — or pay compensation of up to £8,900 .
10 WHILE watching the Olympic boxing , I realised what a sensible idea it is for the amateur fighters to wear headguards to protect them from brain injuries .
11 Carl Hollins and eight others received letters telling them to leave Wales by March 1 .
12 The plan is to go into a neighbouring country … in this case Salisbury Plain … and evacuate civilians using soldiers to protect them .
13 The other women had daughters to help them , she had never been so lucky .
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