Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the place " in BNC.

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1 The horses that the count reared were also in evidence , some actually in the railed compounds dotted around the place , and beyond , towards the mountains , Maggie could see well-fenced fields with white and grey horses roaming peacefully .
2 Replacive minerals grow in the place of earlier mineral phases .
3 A narrow plot of mean suburban proportions compared to the place he had once possessed .
4 As soon as the election was completed and announced in the words " St Peter elects Lothar pope " , three doves flew into the place where the cardinals were assembled and when Lothar was singled out from the others the whitest of them settled on his right shoulder .
5 I have many times entered into the place that is called , and rightly , the Gateway to Hell .
6 He seemed completely in his element , though all those monks flitting round the place rather gave me the creeps .
7 I think er through the figures that he was producing we all realized something was up and various computers flying around the place you know , and the figures produced by them .
8 However , the basic algorithm will find the right clusters if the example is transformed into polar coordinates centred at the place marked ’ + ’ ; for then , all the points on the circle are transformed onto a line which projects to a small region on the r-axis ( Figure 5.5 ) .
9 But certain files relating to the place and the time are listed as closed .
10 What could be so vital to send him and two women trekking around the place ?
11 There are always young boys hanging round the place .
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