Example sentences of "[adj] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Its 1,900-page report covered ( i ) the months after the September 1973 military coup against the left-wing Allende government ; ( ii ) the mass terror of 1974-77 carried out through the National Intelligence Directorate ( DINA ) secret police , which provided what the report called " central co-ordination revealing a will to exterminate a category of people … [ to whom the regime ] attributed a high degree of political dangerousness " ; and ( ii ) the post-1977 period of institutionalized repression .
2 Any clinical examination required will be similar to that carried out by the ordinary GP .
3 In the case of the UK these figures are supported by surveys such as that carried out by the Inner London Education Authority which showed that over 22% of the children it its schools spoke a language other than , or in addition to , English at home .
4 In the UK the most familiar redistributive budget study is that carried out by the Central Statistical Office and published as Economic Trends .
5 Recent surveys including that carried out by the Linguistic Minorities Project 1985 have revealed the extent to which Britain is multilingual .
6 The seminal work of such type was that carried out by the Italian psychiatrist , Lombroso , who set out to demonstrate the pathological nature of genius , quoting examples as varied as Julius Caesar , Mohammed , Newton , Rousseau , and Schopenhauer .
7 This fitted in with the general view that the Eighth Army could hold Rommel at El Alamein but would not be ready to attack before November .
8 Current trainer John Hyland is keen on the dog taking his chance in the St Leger after Shy bowed out of the Irish
9 It swiftly transpired that the document handed to the fathers for discussion was not that drawn up by the Preparatory Commission , but one revised by members of the Commission who were also members of the curia .
10 After dinner , they were all marched out to the back garden , which was similar to the front , where they could walk about or play catch ball , but were not allowed to stand and talk to each other .
11 There is no shortage of information on this and the more general tensions between NATO and the Warsaw Pact , which all dated back to the immediate aftermath of the Second World War , when crisis succeeded crisis : Greece , Berlin , Korea , Cuba , Viet Nam , the Horn of Africa , Angola , Central America , Afghanistan .
12 The government 's own team have recognised that morale in teaching is low and that the position this year is significantly worse than last , yet the government have for this year ignored the findings of that particular report and it 's all tied up with the whole issue of pay , workload etc ..
13 Thus law , religion and mortality were all bound up in the imperial title and role , and any offence against the Emperor and his law was an offence directly against God .
14 and it was all split up into the different seminar group , we we had to take one aspect .
15 It was all taken up by the top brass you know .
16 All capped off by the horrendous own goal .
17 No auditing practices in addition to those carried out in the normal case of auditing the financial statements are carried out .
18 The aim is to develop a range of policies to develop the positive aspects of this process for scientific growth in potential host countries such as the UK ; and also to minimise the deleterious effects of negative aspects such as those bound up with the current ‘ brain drain' .
19 In November the Smolensk guberniia executive committee is being rebuked in turn by no less a person than V. Molotov , Secretary of the Central Committee in Moscow , for allowing subordinates to impose taxes beyond those laid down in the All-Union list .
20 However , it is all too easy for those brought up in the Near Eastern traditions , when they hear Hindus talking of many gods , to suppose that they are talking of what they consider to be the supreme reality .
21 Figure 7.6 shows that the average number of dependent children in the household is generally higher in the local authority sector , especially for young heads of household , but by the late forties , the younger ages of childbearing ( and the earlier leaving-home patterns of those brought up in the local authority sector ) mean that the values are very similar .
22 Whatever the economic benefit , the political repercussions of steps such as de-collectivisation would be far more unsettling than those brought about by the limited de-Stalinisation of the 1950s .
23 Thus microclimate effects can have major short-term implications for local populations ( such as those brought about by the photochemical smogs of Los Angeles ) , are often applicable only over areas of a few hectares or less and may operate on a diurnal cycle .
24 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp shares jumped almost 8.5% on Friday on hopes that the government will spend heavily on a major new communications network : Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said on Thursday that an economic stimulus package , widely expected to include funds for a network of high-speed fibre optic cables , would be even larger than 1992 's supplementary budget ; if the government steps in with new funding , the state-controlled phone company would likely end up laying the cable and providing services ; the project is the one first mooted back in the early 1980s to connect every home and business in Japan .
25 It is a highly successful adaptation of an advertisement which was first shown back in the early 1980s in Britain .
26 All average rents on our stock across the whole of the south east is twenty seven pounds a week erm , I think is , is the figure now the bulk of that funded down to the old er regime that we had from the housing corporation where we got er , a lot more grant and we had the residual line and the money we 've had to borrow ourselves for the scheme was actually from the corporation themselves that all changed in the ninety eighty eight housing act and we now get a fixed er , sum of monies , it 's fixed percentage of local cost from the housing corporation and the balance has to be borrowed from a private lender just like anybody else going out and and buying a home , if you like er , from a , a bank , from a building society or somebody like that and we have to charge a rent er to the property that will repay that loan and , the way in which we actually do it is , is we charge a lower rent and actually who pays the rent quite substantially below that er , because erm the rent on these properties if we i if we charge what the the housing corporation 's grant as it 's set would be round about ten , twelve pounds more expensive than that .
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