Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [subord] it be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Having said that , if there is n't any pay formula included in this deal , er no matter what the percentage increase over the two years , I think er the strength of feeling across the country , people will not be happy with this and if it is balloted on it will be rejected .
2 He seeks to restore the status quo as it was between July 1990 and September 1991 and as it was confirmed by the Australian court in the divorce proceedings .
3 The number of detectives on the case had risen to a dozen and before it was finished that number might rise to fifty or sixty .
4 If he had had his way , he would have stayed in Wilson 's house all day long and as it was managed to be there a good half of it .
5 In his own words he was seeking to get immigration control on a basis where it was firm but where it was administered with some degree of compassion for the individual case ’ .
6 The inner wall of each chamber is stiff and when it is moved in or out , it makes a click , as the lid of a tin may do .
7 The judge Mr Justice described it as heavy and as it was handed to members of the jury he warned them not to drop it .
8 This is used mainly where tantrums are severe and where it is felt that stopping them altogether is too big a first step .
9 It was first employed on the occasion of the Great Reform Bill in 1832 and when it was wheeled out again , in 1909 , Edward VII required an electoral mandate for its use .
10 Obviously the potential for entry via imports needs to be considered carefully by domestic competition authorities in assessing whether a firm is dominant and whether it is abusing its monopoly position .
11 ‘ poeticity ’ , he says , is like oil in cooking ; you can not have it on its own but when it is used with other food it is more than a mere addition .
12 ‘ The cast is used to keep the leg immobile but when it 's removed , the unexercised muscles will already have started to waste .
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