Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [subord] it [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Have you any idea what sort of people could have taken this and when it could have happened ?
2 The Swindon Works only closed in 1986 and since it can take many years for asbestos to affect people 's health , she expects to be dealing with similar cases well into the next century .
3 ‘ We are committed to retaining the nuclear option for the future , provided the industry can demonstrate that nuclear generation is economic and provided it can meet rigorous standards of safety and environmental protection . ’
4 ‘ That these enormities have become even conceivable in our country is due , in the first place , we need hardly say , to the odious and as it may prove , fatal institution of universal suffrage .
5 And I 've said that you know I 'd rather it was on the soft but whether it will get
6 It remains to be seen if this impressionistic statement is correct or whether it will apply to future generations of elderly women who have been active in the labour market for most of their adult life .
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