Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [adj] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Already being used by the law in the US , the head-to-toe outfit gives that Michelin man effect but is , we 're told , light and flexible at the same time as being resistant to punches , bottles and the occasional kicking .
2 I heard Alec saying , in a voice that tried to be light and urgent at the same time , ‘ We 're ready , sir , ’ and I heard the reply : ‘ Well I 'm not .
3 It was both wet and dry at the same time .
4 Whatever he was , she found him charming and exasperating at the same time and no , she did n't think her relationship would last because you ca n't keep mercury in your hand , not for long .
5 You are sensitive , you are eager , you try to be honest , you manage to be both your age and natural and a little priggish and old-fashioned at the same time .
6 The programme is very innovative and interesting but funny at the same time .
7 She delights in Strauss and Mozart ‘ because the women in their operas are contradictory ; warm and cool at the same time ’ .
8 Her face was serious and angry at the same time .
9 Their rule is perfect and effective at the practical level , but I could see no way of passing its benefits on , of helping or involving others .
10 So long as you ke keep me on the straight and narrow at the same time really .
11 She made him nervous and reckless at the same time .
12 Petion looked both nervous and comfortable at the same time .
13 And you can not have ordinary and royal at the same time .
14 How you frightened me — I … ’ she said , looking glad , shy and surprised at the same time .
15 The voice was high-pitched , hollow and nasal at the same time .
16 He pulled away from her and looked into her face , his expression soft and serious at the same time .
17 The man is moving up and down over Andy , his backside looks large and white against the green of the ferns ; he still has the rucksack on and it looks weird , frightening and comical at the same time .
18 Selznick concluded that delegation achieves a necessary purpose , as specialisation increases , but that it carries problems with it , ie. it is both functional and dysfunctional at the same time .
19 The degree of the animal 's impulsion made the movement appear to be both fast and slow at the same time .
20 She felt cold and clammy at the same time .
21 And when they do wake up to the situation , they find that the combat against relativism is not a clean , hand-to-hand fight but a wearing war of nerves against an enemy who is everywhere and nowhere , friendly but deadly at the same time .
22 ‘ Dave Edmunds had a lot to do with the sound of the album coming over as both traditional and modern at the same time , ’ says Lee Rocker .
23 Even the most Machiavellian child can not be good and bad at the same time
24 Then I spotted something small , black and misshapen at the other end of the kitchen .
25 I How might such states be both mental and physical at the same time ?
26 I was happy and sad at the same time .
27 Sex in the play is grotesquely comic and horrible at the same time .
28 Forester had moved to the window and looked out into the yard where the two long-wheelbase Land Rovers stood side by side , somehow managing to be tough and elegant at the same time in their rough-country rig with full-length roof racks and mounted searchlights .
29 I am angry and disgusted at the feeble-minded lot at Northants and the petty-minded lot at Lord 's .
30 Wishart squirmed in his seat , angry and impatient at the impertinent questions of this English clerk .
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