Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [pron] [vb past] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was too much but she loved him for it and let him kiss her when he came and stood beside her again .
2 He had clipped up his shirtsleeves with steel bracelets above the elbow and was swathed in a coarse apron which had once been white and which covered him from the knot of his tie to his ankles .
3 There was no harm in that but it landed him in trouble every time .
4 I disapproved of his grey suede shoes , his floppy bow tie and the excessive width of his trousers : he struck me as flaccid and petulant and I disliked him on sight .
5 joined us just as we were ready to go overseas , he had just come out of er Flight School and of course his heart was set on being a fighter pilot and here he became a co-pilot so he was a very disappointed man and he did not stand up well in combat so there were n't too many missions , about five and I bounced him off the crew and would n't fly with him any more and got then other co-pilots to fly with me from our Squadron .
6 This was going on for a couple of days , so I was getting worried and I took him to the prison doctor and he says , ‘ It might be with you breastfeeding , try him on the bottle . ’
7 Her marriage to John Fenwick ( possibly on 8 May 1781 at St Dunstan , Stepney ) , a radical author and translator , proved disastrous and she left him in 1800 ‘ determined … to consider myself and children totally separated from his bad or good fortunes ’ .
8 The 72 might have seemed boring but it put him in charge .
9 I was so relieved it was all over and my baby was alright and I held him for the first time .
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