Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [adj] [noun sg] over the " in BNC.

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1 Although an ostensible headquarters was created at Dabrendorf , with seven ex-Soviet generals and some seventy colonels , it exercised no political or tactical authority over the dispersed Ostbataillonen , and had direct control over only one small training camp with which to take advantage of a wave of enthusiastic applications .
2 Has social and economic change over the past two centuries led to a reduction in the actual support which kin give to each other ?
3 Following talks with President Gorbachev ( who accepted an invitation to visit Egypt ) and other Soviet leaders , agreements were signed on economic , trade , scientific and technical co-operation over the next 10 years .
4 Medium- and long-term control over the money supply
5 I was just so nervous and negative standing over the putts , especially those from around two feet .
6 It said that ‘ the party 's ignorant and arrogant behaviour over the years towards reserved and moderate criticism provoked the crisis . ’
7 The next time they feel it necessary to spout off in such an ill-informed , ill-advised and half-cocked manner over the issue of immigration , perhaps Councillors and should remind themselves that some of the most severe immigration laws were actually introduced by a Labour Home Secretary .
8 New mechanisms would need to be fashioned in order to assert political and judicial control over the very extensive citadels of private power , on the one hand , and the growing accretion of central government authority on the other .
9 Chaos and fractal imagery have hit the technical and popular imagination over the last few years , and the King 's DSP group is working on a number of applications for this new branch of mathematics .
10 There 's been loud and strong protest over the past few weeks as parents have campaigned against the clinic claiming it presented a threat to their children 's well-being .
11 Since Sudan came into existence as a separate state under British colonial control at the end of the nineteenth century , the north has tended to dominate , to be the seat of government and to take economic and political precedence over the south .
12 The economic and political debate over the merits of full EMS membership will now intensify .
13 Scotland has achieved an economic and cultural regeneration over the past 13 years .
14 By mid-January , 1979 an estimated 85,000 Soviet troops were in Afghanistan , but any hopes of a quick and decisive victory over the mujaheddin rebels soon evaporated .
15 17.15 The programmes of study should , above all , enable pupils to exercise more conscious and critical control over the writing process .
16 And it is just that : a point of view , a vision , put forward through a fine prose style , that gives the work of Frazer a position above that of other scholars of equal erudition and perhaps greater ingenuity , and which gives him an inevitable and growing influence over the contemporary mind .
17 As always , Frances Swiney 's medical polemic was even more extensive , claiming women 's innate biological and mental superiority over the rest of creation .
18 In this connection it is perhaps significant that the boundary between the parish and Snodland was the old track or Ridgeway , now largely destroyed by chalk quarries , which , keeping to the highest and driest line over the downs is thought to have formed the main east-west route at this period , crossing the River Medway at Holborough as Mr Margery suggested .
19 The effects of geomagnetic and solar activity over the long term are important factors in planning satellite missions .
20 We 've seen a very controlled and steady growth over the thirteen years that we 've been in business and I think as you can see there year on year we have consistently increased turnover and increased profitability .
21 In the aftermath , the French government , headed at the time by Félix Gaillard , bowed to foreign pressure and agreed to accept American and British mediation over the incident .
22 Howard Davies , the commission 's controller , says that , as schools are given more financial and managerial independence over the next few years , authorities should monitor quality on behalf of ratepayers and parents , rather than pretending that all their schools are equally good .
23 Loggers , environmentalists and the timber industry are involved in a bitter and continuing dispute over the future of the Pacific Northwest 's most ancient forests .
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