Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [noun] [verb] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Present owners British & Commonwealth announced that it hoped to raise an estimated £130 million by putting it up for sale .
2 Late in his recorded career he described himself as ‘ only simply lettered ’ , but his extensive citation of biblical , patristic , and canonistic authorities in both Latin and English suggests that he must have been familiar with academic sources .
3 He was getting old and Isis noticed that he was slobbering .
4 It would appear that the small number of pupils in a country school had read all in which they were interested and borrowing declined and it was not until a new set of children were ready for reading that regular lendings became frequent again in 1911 and 1912 .
5 Mitch seems to be the ideal person for offering her this but Blanche knows that she will have to lie about her past to gain his affection .
6 The view of to taken here also accounts for the impression of what Riddle ( 1975 : 467 ) calls " control " which one often feels with the to infinitive , i.e. the implication that the matrix event is responsible for or affects the complement event ( cf. the difference between Jane forgot to be cautious and Jane forgot that she was cautious ) .
7 Timothy Hutton was looking uncomfortable and McLeish said that it just seemed a lot to him .
8 Does the Home Secretary , in common with his right hon. Friend the former Prime Minister , now feel too painfully aware that the franchise round has ended in farce , with some companies losing their licences for offering too much and others failing because they offered too little ?
9 When the train had gone and they left the station Sarah seemed quiet and thoughtful and Anne thought that she was more upset by Terry 's leaving than she had shown while he was there .
10 But Barons came back to lead 4-3 at the end of the second and Tigers looked like they were heading for another defeat .
11 Anne thought Helen was right and Maureen said that she had been told when in hospital that patients often had remission in the disease their mother suffered .
12 They were not at first acute and Celia supposed that they could be due to indigestion and therefore a false alarm .
13 Barbara Coleman was proficient but being a full-time artist required more than that and Rain judged that she had no more to give .
14 In marking the piece , draw his attention only to the words is , it , bom , stown , Point out to him wondow , garben and somedody to see if he can correct them himself .
15 By ‘ fine ’ DeFries meant everything was fine and David meant that he 'd left .
16 He is certainly very very fast and Clubcall said that he was 27 and bought by Sheff Utd for 500,000 from Palace .
17 She looked very vulnerable and Emily wished that they had started off on a more pleasant footing .
18 Only the pain was getting rather tedious and Meg insisted that I had it done now before I retired , on the theory I suppose , that better in the Government 's time than my own . "
19 Funds under management at Scotland 's nine life offices rose 16 per cent to £71.7 billion and SFE estimates that their share of the long-term life assurance and pensions market in the UK as a whole is currently in excess of 20 per cent and as high as 25 per cent in the pensions sector .
20 The room had seating capacity for about eighty and Mark saw that it was about half full .
21 He 's twenty-five and Tucker said that he 's specifically declined any offers at all , and that he does n't want contact with you . ’
22 I 'm speaking as a bus driver , yes , within a company that 's about to be privatized , and yes of course the bottom line is important and management think that it is vitally important and we know no longer get subsidies from any where including the Government , unlike your erm Local District Council , operated services so its very , very difficult for people in our position to actually keep services on the road if they do n't pay .
23 Several townspeople were so depressed at the semi-popish ways of Charles I and Archbishop Laud that they took their idealism to the New World , to a new and more perfect Dorchester .
24 A hotel advertises that the hotel is RAC- and AA- recommended when it is not , this is an offence within the scope of s.14(1) .
25 The Melrose stand-off had been stung by comments after both the Irish and French matches that he was not being creative enough and that the boot had become his only attacking weapon .
26 In these circumstances , s 3 has no application , and the parties ( subject to the caveats surrounding the exclusion of liability for death , personal injury and other loss caused by negligence , as regulated under s 2 ) are free to make whatever bargain as to liability for breach , non-performance or failure to perform as they choose .
27 The same Wordsworth , much-mocked , thought himself back to an innocent vision , told us that grass is green and water wet because he had reached beyond familiarity to some primal wonder that these things were so and not otherwise , to some mythic sense that he was giving or finding the words for the things , not merely repeating .
28 European and Asian countries , where companies have few scruples about exploiting their American rivals ' legal handicap , could pass anti-bribery laws of their own and TI says that it will lobby for such legislation .
29 The main tasks of such an authority would be to issue contracts for the performance of particular tasks coupled with supervisory and inspection to ensure that they were adequately performed .
30 Daddy thought that photography would be too expensive and Mother declared that she was n't bothered .
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