Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] the [noun] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Pevsner again is dryly acute : ‘ Old Wolverton the traveller does not notice , New Wolverton he can not overlook . ’
2 About 4600 Ma the Moon accreted homogeneously from a medium that , relative to the Earth , was depleted in iron and in volatiles .
3 In early November the Bank had temporarily suspended funding after protests by environmental groups .
4 In East and Central Africa the press developed along very different lines , reflecting chiefly the contrasting nature of that region 's contact with Europe .
5 On Monday 7 October the police put forward their case .
6 In early April the excitement built up as the first shoals of mackerel were expected .
7 On 21 January the Communists numbering up to 3000 made another assault on the Secretariat and were again repulsed .
8 By 24th July the climate had completely changed .
9 Rebellion in Kent had spread to the ships stationed in the Downs , and in late May the sailors drove out their admiral and demanded an accommodation with the king .
10 On 4 May the news came through that the General Belgrano had been sunk with over 350 Argentine sailors killed .
11 On 6 May the CRS broke up a 60,000-strong demonstration by students and teachers in Paris .
12 On 1 August the bird flew on .
13 If you re recall back in nineteen eight five Tony the Government brought in the transport bill which let operators compete .
14 On 23 April the bombing came much nearer .
15 The lamp has a colour rendering index of 82 Ra ( the colour rendering index is an accepted standard which compares the appearance of a colour under one light source with its appearance under a reference light , ) and a colour temperature of 2800 K. The lamp runs very cool ; it is not uncomfortable to hold one that is lit .
16 But when I inserted another two SIMMS the system came up with 6Mb of RAM as expected .
17 The average surface temperature on Venus is also much higher than on the Earth , 730 K instead of 288 K. The troposphere extends up to an altitude of about 60 km , and in its lower 50 km or so the lapse-rate is adiabatic .
18 The priorities used are RESUS , Major A , Major B , Minor A and Minor B. The ENP saw only Minor category patients .
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