Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 After a period supporting Coastal Command based at Predannock , Cornwall , in 1943 Braham was switched to the experimental task of escorting bomber streams over Europe .
2 In 1895 Sunderland was added to the ports of call down the East Coast now being served by four steamers .
3 During the 1950s the interesting old Døle was graded to the Norwegian Red-and-White and combined into the Norwegian Red in 1963 .
4 The densest high forest in the High Weald is associated with the ghyll valleys , narrow ravines created by streams that have cut through the lighter soils .
5 THE proceeds of a vintage vehicle rally being held in Toomebridge this Saturday are going to the Cardiac Unit of the Waveney Hospital , Ballymena .
6 The BH 2 AUC was calculated by the trapezoid rule .
7 When British Telecom was approached on the subject , we found that DDI can only be operated on a digital system ; the existing system is analogue .
8 L&SE went out with a bang rather than a whimper. 12 May was marked by the introduction of no less than four new electric services ; on the Eastern Region branch lines between Wickford and Southminster and between Romford and Upminster ; on the Great Eastern main line between Manningtree and Harwich ; and ( at last ) over the thirty-two miles between Tonbridge and Hastings .
9 Ben and Viz received equal attention , while dear old Dickens was approached with the same enthusiasm as a postman views a front gate marked ‘ Beware Of The Large , Fierce And Probably Rabid Dog . ’
10 ‘ At the height of the Ethiopian famine in 1985 Oxfam was alerted to the plight of several million people who faced starvation , on the sugar-producing island of Negros , in the Philippines ’ , writes Oxfam worker Belinda Coote .
11 Firstly , studies of scattered radiation show that a maximum of 2 Gy is absorbed in the duyodenal area — a dose insufficient to cause radiation ulcer .
12 In Fredegar 's narrative Childeric was exiled from the Franks for his sexual profligacy , but he arranged with his faithful follower , Wiomad , that he would return when the latter had sent him half a coin which they had divided between them .
13 On Sept. 30 Ochirbat was elected as the country 's first President [ see p. 37713 ] , and the Council of Ministers was replaced with a 15-member all-party Cabinet , confirmed in November [ see p. 37777 ] .
14 AN appeal has gone out from Buxton Opera House where organisers of the BNFL-backed Questfest are asking for the loan of a Clavinova electric piano full-size keyboard .
15 Two local village churches have been the recipients of the Group 's generosity : in 1958 the Church of St. James , Thrapston , received the pews which had previously been installed in the Chelveston base chapel and the tower of the Church of St John the Baptist in nearby Caldecott-cum-Chelveston was restored with the help of the 305th .
16 More recent trends in the visual arts of Latin America are explored at the Hôtel des Arts , where the director is Ramón Tío Bellido .
17 Soviet specialists believed that the shift towards non-alignment in Latin America was hastened by the political situation in the region after the Falklands War which resulted in ‘ an open crisis of the inter-American system , including its military-political mechanism ’ .
18 However , it was only in 1929 that a separate Secretariat for Latin America was formed within the Comintern 's Moscow administration ; hitherto relations with Latin American Communist parties had been handled through a ‘ Latin Secretariat ’ which also covered Southern Europe .
19 Haya de la Torre rejected the Comintern premise that Latin America was set on the same course of development as the European industrial nations .
20 In 1961 an Institute of Latin America was established at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow , on the recommendation of Anastas Mikoian , who had recently returned from Cuba .
21 The Annual General Meeting of LASMO plc is held in London in May : Half year results to 30 June are announced at the end of July .
22 Yesterday 's poor figures to 30 June were expected after the fire alarm and data storage group warned two weeks ago that it was unlikely to beat last year 's £10m .
23 The predominant mood of rural England was replaced by the sharper view of vagrant cosmopolitans like Eliot and Ezra Pound , and of course the European expressionists who came face to face with social realism .
24 Respectable England was haunted by the feeling that ‘ the safety of society would soon be at an end ’ and that the ‘ dangerous classes ’ were gaining the upper hand because of the weakened authority of the law .
25 In February 1991 Czechoslovakia was admitted to the Council of Europe and continued to negotiate an association agreement with the European Communities as a prelude to full membership .
26 The great abbeys established as a thank-offering by the victorious Normans were complemented over the next four hundred years by a number of smaller foundations , dictated by the tenets of fashion and individual piety .
27 ‘ The Dark Ireland is ruled by the powerful wicked enchanters of the North , ’ said Dorrainge .
28 Thus great areas of central Spain were condemned to the extensive farming of cereals for low yields at great expense of labour .
29 At a mid-point in the novel there occurs McClintoch 's complaint that people are divided into the ‘ attractive ’ and the ‘ unattractive ’ , rather as , according to Disraeli , as Graham duly notes , Victorian England was divided into the two nations ' of rich and poor .
30 Some 1,200 Jumma were killed by the army in Bangladesh .
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