Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] say [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Then he makes up this funny word and says it 's the name of a disease by which his brain is rotting away .
2 In the film , The Silence of the Lambs , Sir Anthony plays the cannibalistic serial killer and says he fears that it glorifies violence .
3 But my wife , who is a Russian speaker , has witnessed this particular drama and says it is n't a Slav language .
4 New hardware technologies addressing emerging markets for personal and consumer-oriented digital image processing solutions will be spawned by SGI 's new digital sight and sound division which has taken the entry-level Indigo model and says it 'll work down from there .
5 THE 1987 heavyweight fight betwen Joe Bugner and Frank Bruno at Spurs was my first big promotion and to say I was wet behind the ears is an insult to water .
6 Hearing the Vice-President was downstairs and wished to see him , President Cormack walked through into the Yellow Oval Room and said he would greet Odell there .
7 ‘ We 've paid a heavy price for our mistakes this season and I ca n't explain it any other way than to say it 's bad luck .
8 Colin gave that smile of familiarity , that smile of superiority , that certain smile that says it all .
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