Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 Although some black groups called for a boycott of the curfew , it had the effect of restoring an uneasy calm .
2 Widowed lone mothers account for a small and declining number of lone parent families .
3 It is in this very area that European theology can start to communicate with that of Latin America , and this exchange of experiences and ideas on theology and communication can begin to inspire the different Christian traditions to look for a common language .
4 Only six solo roles call for a male soprano , on the basis of which it is possible to make a few observations .
5 The reason for this seems to have been that Victorian British industrialists looked for a quick return , while the Germans were more prepared to take a long view .
6 Quaint Irish rules allow for a second bite of the £50,000 cherry , but there were no squawks from Melody 's English owners .
7 Gaps in understanding of the disease and its treatment and the unsuitable characteristics of available diagnostic tools mean that prostatic cancer fails to meet most of the standard epidemiological criteria required for a successful screening programme .
8 ONE of the most important wage claims in the pay round was submitted yesterday when leaders of Ford 's 33,000 manual workers called for a double figure increase .
9 The only good and powerful females I can think of are fairies ( ie , not real people ) and for every fairy godmother there are 10 wimpy heroines waiting for a prince to rescue them .
10 The new RSDG , he said , would provide a framework for Gabonese of diverse political persuasions to prepare for a multiparty system , in a period of " responsible development " which would " comprise a transitional period of apprenticeship " .
11 As Labour confidently outlined the contents of its first Queen 's Speech , including a commitment to introduce by summer a Bill to establish a Scottish Parliament , the three main parties prepared for a big push over the last weekend of the campaign .
12 These chaotic times lasted for a hundred and fifty years .
13 The surprise for well-fed French bureaucrats heading for a busy day paper shuffling at the European Commission was lightened only by the inclusion of croissants as a side course .
14 The society 's charitable project soon got round the underworld , and in January 1773 they had a card hung in Westminster Jail stating that their charity was likely to be imposed upon ‘ by artful and designing villains who cause themselves to be arrested and imprisoned a day before the Society makes a distribution and thus come in for relief designed for the Poor distressed debtors imprisoned for a long time . ‘
15 Complicated political formulas work for a while and then fall apart .
16 So great had his concentration been on finishing the maps that Green had had little time to do anything else in those difficult years excepting for a brief visit to Buttermere in 1791 , and in 1793 he went to Wales and the Lake District with his stalwart helper Thornton ; but in 1794 he revisited Cumberland for twelve weeks two of which were devoted to Buttermere .
17 Eugene Lapointe , head of the world 's wildlife trade monitoring body , hopes to find a compromise between those African nations calling for a total ban on ivory trading and those arguing for trade to be controlled .
18 The Department may make basic funeral arrangements for anyone who is a client at the time of death if there is no other responsible person to make the arrangements or insufficient personal funds to provide for a funeral .
19 Following the trends further , we find that over the decade 1961–71 manufacturing employment began to decline absolutely ( employment in 1971 was 95 per cent of the 1961 level ) , while the faster-growing non-industrial sectors accounted for a substantially increasing proportion of the workforce .
20 Contingent economic agreements provided for a repeal of the US ban on the import of Soviet gold coins , the lifting of restrictions on Soviet borrowing from the US government 's Export-Import Bank ( which was expected to stimulate US companies ' interest in setting up joint ventures in the Soviet Union ) , and payment by the Soviet Union of a debt of US$674,000,000 owed for supplies furnished under the Lend-Lease programme during the Second World War .
21 BASF ( 1990 sales , Dm46.6 billion ) is apparently one of several big German companies queueing for a Wall Street listing .
22 ‘ Nearly there now , ’ she said softly , and the fierce dark eyes opened for a moment .
23 In Brandenburg-Prussia Frederick II suggested in 1776 that young men fitted for a diplomatic career be sent , on leaving university , as secretaries to the Prussian missions in Vienna , London , Stockholm and St Petersburg ( in that order of preference ) .
24 In northern India , Brahmins and other high castes accounted for a relatively large proportion of the population .
25 With two overall trophies to show for a blasting weekend double to and from the Medway , Robbie Stewart ( Royal Burnham YC ) and his merry men from Blush had every reason for celebration at the end of the fourth event of the East Anglian season .
26 In May 1915 the Italian and Swiss Socialist Parties called for a conference of socialists who had ‘ remained true to the old principles of the International … and were ready to fight for the mobilization of Socialists in all countries against war . ’
27 The two leading Myrcans paused for a second .
28 So when Tommaso showed interest in her during those Easter holidays , she noticed him ; while Caterina remained unaware , for she had always the effect of spreading pleasure , and did not remark his response to her , his alert shoulders , his greedy pale eyes tensing for a moment , then flicking guiltily away to contemplate her sister .
29 Mr Sherwood teachers prospective Rotty lovers to go for a female .
30 Rumours that the government will be forced to impose VAT on printed matter and other zero-rated goods to compensate for a shortfall in public finances and to reduce borrowings are being taken very seriously by the main book trade associations .
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