Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] at the [det] " in BNC.

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1 So I was probably enjoying British progressive rock at the same time I was listening to American jazz . ’
2 ‘ Only two months ago there was another suspected case at the same hospital .
3 They are surprisingly varied miniatures , demonstrating Reger 's ability to avoid the predictable , and indulge in some daring modulations at the same time .
4 And indeed David Liddle , Director of Community Leisure in Avon , who is in charge of Avon County Libraries , seems to have taken this very line at the same seminar :
5 In the 1960s , the Soviet Union rapidly discovered that its connection with Cuba led to the complication and distortion of its relations with other Latin American nations at the same time as it presented them with new opportunities in the region .
6 He may have been involved in some other misdemeanours at the same time , but he was also supporting the poll tax in the Cabinet .
7 because that required faith at the same sort as the army officer had
8 He had to learn his words , of course — perhaps for six different plays at the same time .
9 This is not an ideal solution , in that inevitably the Manager also wishes to do some ordinary non-privileged work at the same time .
10 Below each panel is a similar transgenic embryo at the same stage and plane of view which has been exposed to RA ( a'-f' ) .
11 When the assistant is serving you , he may also be serving two or three other people at the same time and holding a conversation with yet another .
12 In France , fertility decline within marriage began a century earlier , in the 1780s ( Wrigley 1983 ) , without industrialization on the scale of Britain's. furthermore the decline began in many rural areas at the same time as in towns .
13 Working with families can often appear to be a daunting task because the counsellor has to hold together so many different individuals at the same time .
14 If they then all reversed direction at the same moment the hand would move back .
15 If possible , the institutional investors should subscribe a separate class of preferred ordinary shares at the same price ( or less ) per share as the management 's ordinary shares .
16 ‘ International yardsticks ’ means that each country must attain as equal a distribution as that achieved by all other countries at the same development stage .
17 This dialectic means that the constitution of a universal category of subjectivity that includes all other subjects at the same time , is also part of the process by which an individual is constituted , as an ‘ I ’ that distinguishes itself as non-identical with all other subjects .
18 The octopus can even modify the texture of its skin at high speed , a smooth , plain surface suddenly furrowing up into complex folds and ridges and gaining a complex blotched patterning at the same time .
19 All local four-vectors at the same event in space–time can be expressed in terms of the same set of basis vectors .
20 Often the attraction of broader approaches like counselling is that they are thought to be able to tackle many massive problems at the same time .
21 Kibbutzim children too are reported to have no difficulty in relative to more than one parental figure at the same time ( Pringle , 1972 )
22 Firstly , misplaced conceptions within the élites of Hitler as a man whom they could trust and ‘ work with ’ , in contrast to the Party radicals , integrated the disparate sectors of the élites and mobilized their support behind the Nazi leadership in the critical early years at the same time that Hitler 's popularity provided the mass base of legitimation for the presumed reassertion of their own spheres of domination .
23 Contrasting the ‘ altruistic solidarity ’ of Asian culture with the Western ‘ middle-class ’ culture of ‘ individualism ’ and ‘ competition ’ , Rex concludes : ‘ Thus , being a good Indian and being a successful middle-class student at the same time are by no means easy goals to attain .
24 When I 'm drinking a glass of water , I 'm drinking a glass of water and not thinking about five other things at the same time .
25 Now I 've seen a lot of people who complain about taking drugs and the side effects they get , when you analyze it , you first of all find they have n't taken it , or they 've taken five other drugs at the same time
26 This paperback original is the first publication , with Blackwell Scientific doing a more technical statistical analysis at the same time .
27 See , the whole trick with Hawaiian music is the mixing of the chords : everybody might be in C , but everybody is tuned differently , so instead of always playing the same damn intervals at the same point on the instrument , you have this wonderful overlap that spreads the feeling of the key out into kind of a pre-'60s sort of an effect .
28 I felt I had won several different things at the same time , including my war against the Portuguese Federation .
29 Most of the contents of the Universal Declaration are not merely nonsense but pernicious nonsense ; and Article 25 is in this respect typical , not least in being both nonsensical and pernicious in several different ways at the same time .
30 For a start , the actors all play many different roles , shedding old and assuming new parts with bewildering speed and ease : sometimes indeed they play several different roles at the same time , representing different things in different relationships .
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