Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] that [verb] we " in BNC.

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1 There are , however , some simple rules that enable us to deduce the symmetry of a vibration from the band envelope of the corresponding IR or Raman band , even at rather limited resolution , where the 2B spacing of components of P and R branches , for instance , is not resolved .
2 As the tale is told , it was our historical imperial taste that set us up for our indulgent role in the money boom of the last 30 years .
3 It is this incredible flexibility that allows us to juggle page layouts in just a few minutes and produce a fresh piece of artwork each time rather than wait hours , even days , for the re-worked page to come back from the artist 's studio .
4 The daily , reassuring visit from the patrolling doctor was no more — as if by merely walking the rounds he or she had some magic formula that made us safe .
5 But there is now some new evidence that means we will have to reconsider this picture of man 's first close bond with the cat .
6 By challenging the right of Parliament to agree to the social chapter against the wishes of the Government and proposing that the treaty will be ratified without the decisions of Parliament , it has underlined the very reasons why there is a need for referendums on the crucial constitutional questions that face us .
7 CCG has won another schools catering contract , the latest in a series of valuable new work that means we now provide over 200,000 school meals every week .
8 And in terrible conditions , erm , another country is Zaire where there is currently , I mean I 'd think there was a military coup or something there in the last few weeks , but these things are colonies which were n't connected to Britain , hoping I 'm being , I think it 's a French colony , they use a Belgian colony or is an ex Belgian colony , maybe in Belgium and France you would get more news about those two countries , but here we do n't , because they , we have n't got that colonial connection that makes us interested perhaps erm and , and when we do find out about South Africa because it used to be a colony , we do find out about , I mean Ethiopia I think we found out about because of the disaster that 's happening there in several of the countries all around it , used to be British colonies .
9 Perhaps it is the distinctiveness of this particular anatomical colour that makes us forget the pure white quartzites that also occur at this level , even in our own Midlands ( as the Stiperstones Quartzite of west Shropshire ) .
10 Government has a responsibility , as well , to ensure that it promotes the common moral values that bind us together as a Nation .
11 The betting odds here are extraordinarily long ; theory suggests that it is not possible to liberate useful energy this way nor is there any natural phenomenon that gives us confidence that this can occur .
12 Our President has covered one or two major issues that concern us now and which will continue to concern us over the next few years .
13 It is because no institution or individual is proof against the third essential ingredient that makes us what we are — the Zeitgeist , the spirit of the times .
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