Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] [adv prt] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 He knew how to create extraordinary visual effects simply by changing the direction of his brush stroke , so that light streams down from an unseen sun , or a horizon line is conjured up out of three horizontal bands of subtly modulated shades of blue .
2 I 'll look at the cricket scores and pretend I 'm some old member in from the shires with a striped blazer and a pink gin in his fist .
3 I , at seventeen , heard the heaviness in his lungs as he sighed , the heaviness in his voice as he fetched those few reluctant words up from the depths inside himself .
4 Noises of such intensity may seriously affect the ability of cetaceans to communicate and echolocate , especially in cold polar waters where ice cover reflects much underwater noise back from the surface .
5 She sets out before the sun , driving a team of horses which pull her soft blue chariot up from the depths of the ocean , and shows her brother the way to rise .
6 There were many other people around from every age-group , yet the overall impression she received was one of unhurried leisure .
7 But , in the main , westerners fear a spell in the east will mean a kink in their careers , or that life will be too grey ( ‘ not even a decent pub ’ , groaned one civil servant back from an eastern town he decided not to work in ) .
8 I remember one Welsh fellow up from the Valleys — he run home at night-time .
9 By providing money for so-called buy-back operations , in which countries either bought their own commercial debts back from the banks at deeply discounted levels or , alternatively , simply used the money as collateral when negotiating low-interest bond deals , a number of countries had been able to reschedule their own external obligations on easier repayment terms than had been agreed at the time when they were made .
10 And in a sense that was how they must view her , a difficult prickly maid up from the country .
11 This brought two 12-year-old girls down from the video screening upstairs .
12 Some boys were bringing battered wooden buckets up from the well and the occasional housewife emptied the slops from the night jars out into the middle of the street .
13 Firemen hauled the middle aged man out from the tank where he was trapped up to his neck .
14 In total , including Turnham Green , it occupies 13,300 acres of mainly flat land on a gentle south-westerly slope down from the hills of Harrow and Highgate — from 36 feet to 15 feet above the ordnance survey datum — with a fine depth of approximately 40 feet of gravel and sand over London clay , topped by fine vegetable mould .
15 Mr Morpurgo was driving two other students back from a pub .
16 And after that she seemed happy the rest of the way , saying how lovely it had been to see them even for such a short time and how she 'd come down again when she could , but it was such a long way and the trains were so crowded with soldiers and she had had to take two whole days off from the ambulance station .
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