Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It featured an enclosed glazed cockpit for the pilots with sliding panels , and portholes were located along the hull sides .
2 We note especially the deeply entrenched hierarchical roles in the health professions , the potential for conflict between health and social services personnel , who each control key resources which the other needs , and the effects of gender on individual interactions .
3 Who is that munching cashews on the tape .
4 The port of Southampton was enlarged so that ocean-going liners were attracted to its facilities and in 1933 what was then the largest dry dock in the world was opened by King George V.
5 Classes in the faculty are normally conducted in New College , a striking historic building on the Mound in central Edinburgh which includes the largest theological library in Britain .
6 The fourth meeting of foreign ministers from the eight signatory countries of the Amazon Co-operation Treaty ( TCA ) — Bolivia , Brazil , Colombia , Ecuador , Guyana , Peru , Surinam and Venezuela — took place in the Bolivian city Santa Cruz on Nov. 7-8 .
7 Congress as we all know , the failed economic policies of the government has pushed our nation to the very edge of bankruptcy .
8 The strong rural support for the Party is recognized by a call for ‘ a realistic return for the farming community , with special measures to offset the disadvantages , especially in the intensive livestock sector , resulting from our isolation from Great Britain ’ .
9 Nonetheless , having surveyed the yeomanry at length , Smith too reached the point beyond which he possessed little specific knowledge of the people under discussion , unless he felt that there was little that could usefully be said about those who had ‘ neither voice nor authority in the commonwealth , and no account is made of them but onelie to be ruled , not to rule others ’ .
10 Although there is little specific mention of the lifeboat service the sea is never any further from the book than it is from the history of the town of Blackpool .
11 ‘ Do you have to wear that bloody garment in the house ?
12 ‘ Gallagher made Luke confess in front of about twenty witnesses — that bloody rabble from the pub and the cottages . ’
13 Fumio Abe resigned as secretary-general of the Miyazawa LDP faction on Dec. 12 , amid allegations that he had received 100,000,000 yen ( about US$780,000 ) in undeclared political donations from the Kyowa Corporation , a steel frame manufacturer which had gone bankrupt in November 1990 , and several of whose executives were later charged with fraud .
14 Quiet holding notes and fairly stationary filling-in parts constitute the main part of the duty of the horns , as any score will show , but we shall see later on that they are also very useful in doubling other instruments when it is desired to give ‘ body ’ and prominence to a broad melodic line in the tenor register .
15 ‘ Naturally we at the centre are very pleased at having developed the most advanced bionic arm in the world .
16 The royalty was first introduced in France in order to assist widows of artists who were killed in World War I. Although France and Germany are now the main countries where this royalty operates , it is on the statute books of another eight European countries within the EC at present ; only the UK , Ireland , the Netherlands and Greece do not have laws relating to a resale royalty .
17 Closer to home , he 's also been to eight European cities since the election .
18 A bicycle wheel fitted into the rail slots perfectly , with disasterous results as Yanto had often discovered after the odd liquid lunch at the Sharpness Hotel .
19 It meant a person who was not paid , was probably a close relative and had a strong emotional involvement with the person receiving care .
20 He said that we had proposed setting up , through the Western European Union , a European reaction force but that a number of our partners within the member states had a strong emotional attachment to the idea of a common European defence policy associated with the European Community .
21 A crowd or group of this type has two emotional components : namely , a relationship to a leader similar to the emotional structure of unrequited love , where the loved object replaces the ego ideal ; and secondly , identification with other members of the group , where part of the object is introjected , which leads to the strong emotional ties among the members of the group .
22 At first sight it is absurd to propose that Islamic socialization of the economy required the nihil obstat of everyone 's mother-in-law .
23 The Edwardian trade schools gave rise to the Junior Technical Schools of the interwar years and then after 1944 to the Secondary Technical Schools of the post war reorganisation .
24 It seemed that as one job concluded another was readily available , even during the turbulent economic years between the World Wars .
25 The SNM is a ragged band of fighters with little political ideology beyond the expulsion of President Barre 's forces from northern Somalia and the overthrow of his 20-year-old government .
26 An additional urgency was injected into the moves towards a coherent regional policy by the emergence of the debate on economic and monetary union in the 1970s .
27 " He 's been posted to one of those bloody awful oil-rigs in the North Sea , and he wo n't be back till Christmas .
28 There is that admittedly-dwindling sector of the population which still smokes and those who make their living from the cigarette industry .
29 The former , who had succeeded to his title in 1543 , had maintained a strong feudal authority at the service of three Tudor monarchs with divergent religious attitudes .
30 Hugh Price Hughes chastised the 1896 Free Church Council meetings for its vociferousness and insisted that all should ‘ submit to those restraints and regulations which the experience of the greatest representative assemblies of the world has proved to be necessary to an intelligent participation in the business as it proceeds ’ .
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