Example sentences of "[adj] [art] things [pers pn] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 If half the things I 've done became public , I might be behind bars now .
2 ‘ You never know half the things you 've got until you have to do something about them , ’ he said amiably .
3 She had n't meant half the things she 'd said to him .
4 cos all the things they 've said before .
5 Do you think people who are digging all these bits up are going to know everything about all the things they 've dug up ?
6 Inside were all the things they had asked for , and some they had not — some wine , two chickens , twelve big red roses .
7 Which was crazy , she reflected as she sat there , after all the things they 'd done to each other with their bodies , and the things yet to be done .
8 But if she did not love him , if she was contemptuous of all the things they 'd had … that was unbearable .
9 Gon na ask you to do an exercise now er it 'll it 'll take us to four o'clock before we start talking about assertiveness what I 'm gon na ask you to do is in one , two three , one two in two twos and a three I want you to put on paper one side one sheet of paper to sum up all the things we 've done about communication so far today and it 's going to other people on this course , and it 's going to be marked by one of them on this course .
10 ‘ Well , with all the things we 've discussed , the way you 've made me see myself , I 've decided I should n't stick around here . ’
11 ‘ We did n't have all the things we 've got today ’
12 Would that we could as easily gather back all the things we have said in mistake over the years , gather them in and powder them down until not one trace of their original form is left .
13 When William had gone , she thought of all the things she had planned to do as soon as she had a little time to herself .
14 The memory of all the things she had said to him came back to her and she was suddenly scared .
15 She leant down and started to lick out his ear , bit his lobes , started to tell him of all the things she had done with other men .
16 She heard words like ‘ impulsive ’ , ‘ trusting ’ , ‘ hot-tempered ’ being mentioned , and she slotted the adjectives into her own life , thinking back to all the things she had done in the past which conformed with the personality being dissected by the astrologer .
17 Of all the things she had expected from life , the events of the last twenty-four hours had not been remotely near them .
18 That first fierce kiss had told Robbie all the things she had tried to hide from herself .
19 This time I remembered all the things I had forgotten to say in the railway carriage .
20 He started saying all the things I 'd said about myself .
21 No , I 'd better not be told , because I should only begin counting up all the things I 'd missed , and you 're better off not knowing what you 've missed . ’
22 Of all the things I 'd got up to in my time , I never thought I 'd be stitched for trying to return someone 's stolen property .
23 Look at all the things I 've done — I 'm not being choosy .
24 Bachelor Phillip said : ‘ Out of all the things I 've done or commendations I 've received , I think this is the one she is most proud of . ’
25 I want to go home now and think and think about all the things I 've heard this afternoon . ’
26 It would take a million years to tell you all the things I have done , and some of the things I would n't tell even you , ’ she said mischievously , ‘ but it 's great to be home .
27 ‘ I ought to 'ave known the likes of you would n't do all the things you 've done for nothing .
28 I need to know , I need you to tell me if — All the things you 've told me , everything you 've felt and wanted .
29 What is the first thing after all the things you 've forgotten ?
30 She looked at your nursery , and all the things you 'd got , and said you could stay until they 'd found suitable adoptive parents .
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