Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] be say [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There was at least this to be said for the mainline Catholic and Protestant positions .
2 On the other hand , there is not much to be said for a speciality in women 's media because the field is too broad and general .
3 There is much to be said for an extension of the mental element in rape to cover this type of case , and it may be that this was the Committee 's intention .
4 The UK Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd , however , said on Dec. 17 after a meeting of NATO foreign ministers [ see pp. 37931 ] that " I do n't think there is much to be said for an entirely separate meeting " .
5 The envoy pleaded that there was much to be said for the Duke , to which Gustavus replied that there was much to be said for lice by those who cared for them .
6 In instrumental terms there is much to be said for the informal approach .
7 While there may be much to be said for the views expressed in this passage it seems to me with all respect to Wilson J. that she was stating what she thought the law ought to be rather than what it is .
8 From the point of view of policy , therefore , there is much to be said for the view that no independent tort is committed when all that is threatened , in the two-party situation , is a breach of contract , though there is not very much authority for such a proposition .
9 There is much to be said for the inclusion of a procedure for suspending with immediate effect a partner whose conduct has given ground for expulsion ( Clause 19.02 ) when the surrounding circumstances may not immediately indicate whether it would be in the interests of the firm that the power to expel should in fact be exercised .
10 With respect , there is much to be said for the minority view expressed by Lord Pearce which is based upon certainty in transactions and would not expose the parties to shifts in scientific knowledge right up to the time of trial .
11 None the less , there was a substantial majority in favour of accepting it as a basis for discussion , largely because there was much to be said about the interrelationship of pope , bishops and curia , and the draft provided this opportunity .
12 This was supposed to be said in the tone of one dealing with news of some immense natural disaster .
13 But there is something more to be said about the focusing of attention on the present and oneself .
14 Either it might see what could be done within the area which Kant had left to it ; or it might ask whether there might not after all be rather more to be said about the way in which genuine knowledge of God is made possible .
15 There is nothing much more to be said about the siege of Krishnapur .
16 Whether to mystify me once more or because there was no more to be said to a stranger , I could n't tell .
17 Despite the millions of words that have been written and spoken on the subject of ‘ 1992 ’ , there still appears to be much more to be said on the subject .
18 There is more to be said against the probabilistic analysis of our conception of causation that can or needs to be said here .
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