Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] a long [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The organization 's market share had been relatively stable for a long time and even growing in concert with the growth in world economies .
2 They stayed like that for a long moment and then he said , ‘ Light the candle . ’
3 I thought about this for a long time and slowly I realized that I was not extraordinary in this .
4 ‘ This is n't a sudden change of course — we 've been working on this for a long time and over the last five years have moved our portfolio towards lower cost exploration areas .
5 she obviously did n't know this for a long time and then one day I said to her , well , it was lovely meal and all that but I do think your mark-up on the wine is scandalous !
6 Old John Knox had been ill for a long time and , two years after I joined the firm , he was told that he must retire .
7 We have a son who still lives at home who in fact has been quite ill for a long time and erm she you know the amount the work she has done therefore has been seriously limited .
8 Party Chairman Tony Picking said today Mr Burge has been ill for a long time and resigned in February .
9 Party Chairman Tony Picking said today Mr Burge has been ill for a long time and resigned in February .
10 There 's a cluster of courses in Suffolk that are ideal for a long weekend and a similar group in Norfolk for those arriving from the North .
11 He was like just being an adviser , he was n't like trying to design it , and I looked at it all for a long time and I said Bembo , which I had never heard of .
12 Protosuchus — about 1.5 metres long with a long head and powerful teeth — was the earliest crocodile .
13 I mean I would open my eyes and see myself like that , wake up and then I 'd bounce off the bed and then I 'd sit there bouncing and , and but I have n't had that in a long time and wh when I thought now a lot of times , if I think that I leave either the front door unlocked , my house unlocked or the garage door open I go and actually check that in the middle of the night .
14 A ring at the doorbell announced the late arrival of Jacqui , blonde again and resplendently pregnant in a long red and white flowered dress .
15 I have n't been happy for a long time but now I think I 'm going to be . ’
16 It is also due to a long term and possibly accelerating rise in demand .
17 really great it was , you know I did n't really think it would turn out as big as it has done you know , but it 's turned out beautiful has n't it really , yeah we was , I was thrilled especially when they built the new houses round the front we used to go and keep looking at them , little did I think I would get one , and the housing officer came one day and he said would you like one of the new ones , I said I would and it was four bedroom but we got , you see we 've got the other bedroom over my daughter-in-law 's , so me and hubby used to have the en right down a long passage and the bedroom was over like the sit you 've got a bedroom over the sitting room like see and she erm , we used to have so the children did n't make a noise to disturb her so my hubby and I had that room , yeah , it was quite nice it was , nice house , I erm , you know , enjoyed being there , bringing up the family , you want plenty of room you 've got a big family do n't you really ?
18 ‘ I think so , ’ she said , straightening in her seat and looking around like someone who 'd fallen asleep on a long journey and awoken in an unfamiliar place .
19 Mind you , you have n't drunk for a long time and you were
20 Check for level with a long board and builder 's level
21 ‘ The apparel industry has been searching for something new for a long time and this is something which will be exciting .
22 It is a great help to use a good tungsten-tipped wheel cutter , as it will stay sharp for a long time and pay for its slightly higher cost with better cutting .
23 The figures announced today for the most recent month are the best for a long time and continue the trend of recent months .
24 ‘ The atmosphere on Friday was the best for a long time and if any of the ladies want to come along , they will be more than welcome ! ’
25 I have been dead for a long time and by day I circle the huge air above the hills and by night I sleep in the quiet rock , as quiet as the rock , and the little worms mean consolation as they eat me .
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