Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] be [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hopefully he 's interested in being in this band that we 're trying to put together .
2 Since the awareness from which we recoil is constantly being forced on us by pain or misfortune , no doubt many or most people can take every opportunity they have to avoid the unpleasant without being in any danger of becoming more aware of the bright side than the dark .
3 After all , even the official sales pitches were often too uninformative , or too ill-spelt and ungrammatical to be of much use .
4 Not only were their needs felt to threaten the living standards of other groups , but it was argued that these needs should be given less priority : ‘ It is dangerous to be in any way lavish to old age , until adequate provision .
5 On the other hand , every shilling added to pension rates is extremely costly in total … it is dangerous to be in any way lavish to old age . ’
6 I would therefore think it 's appropriate to be in this sort of format er so that if any other issues other than questions of in migration appear to be relevant to this situation , then it can be taken on the move .
7 And in a way I 'm quite glad to be outside that circuit because my existence as a an artist is in many ways more real than to be cosseted by Arts Council money .
8 Well , it 's , it 's simple that if I got up at half past six , and took him up a cup of tea at quarter too seven , and when he was around at seven o'clock , I was grilling bacon and I was frying eggs , and I hope , I do n't know whether perhaps it 's my cold , but , I , I just used to feel terribly unwell after he 'd gone , for about two hours and my legs were so wobbly , I was sitting down on the sofa , I may go back yet to cooking him breakfast if I feel like it , but , the , I mean if I can say to these chaps that , there are times when I do n't feel like doing things , well , I reckon Dave that they are so glad to be in that house with the central heating , with the twenty four hour er , er a day water , and the comfort , there not going to argue .
9 ‘ You are not fit to be in this school !
10 The building is supposed to be of some importance , architecturally .
11 Extraordinarily enough for a couple who were supposed to be at such odds , they seem to have no problem over their conversation .
12 ‘ Are n't Time Lords supposed to be above that sort of language ? ’
13 suburban commander and he 's supposed to be from another planet or something or other
14 For further information , we are indebted to Vaughan Purvis who was not supposed to be in this festival at all .
15 The cross was too large to be of much help , and the words on the back of the map were no better .
16 Unfortunately , ex-care women were much less likely to experience the protective effect of a non-deviant supportive spouse , firstly because they were more likely than comparison women to marry men with problems , and secondly because they were much more likely to be without any kind of spouse .
17 As a consequence , although a company might have more or less orders at any one time , it is less likely to be without any orders than the one-man operation which can contract to only one customer at any one time .
18 In the context of a dispute over the future of pits and communities , the main difference is thus likely to be between those areas with good prospects ( because of high productivity capabilities and substantial quantities of accessible , easily-worked coal ) and those with much less secure futures .
19 This can be a vacuous form of words , conveniently forgotten as students settle down in their maths , their physics , their geography lessons to acquire ideas which are , we acknowledge , of potential general application , but which are likely to be of little use if the connections between theory and practice are not made explicitly .
20 One of the modules likely to be of most interest to teacher researchers is Professional Development in Action .
21 Indeed , it is only in such cases that reference to Hansard is likely to be of any assistance to the courts .
22 Whether or not any special rule survives for trespassing cattle is not likely to be of any importance now that damages for personal injuries can not be recovered under that head .
23 I would of thought it was more likely to be on this floor
24 those with difficulty looking after themselves , the confused , the incontinent , the blind , the deaf , and the bad tempered were more likely to be in such homes than others .
25 It is not unusual to be in this position , and it may be that there is an accepted procedure to follow in the eventuality of employers making you an offer .
26 Fielding 's novels contain plenty of barbarous squires , who would as soon hunt down a parson as a fox , and whose houses are too muddy and unruly to be in any sense comfortable , much less seats of self-fruition .
27 He widened the faculty from being Anglican to being for all denominations .
28 By then a complete overhaul is often too late to be of much use .
29 This order was annulled on 26 October by the Smolensk guberniia party committee for being excessive and too late to be of any use .
30 Her cousin Elizabeth of Dorking 's £20 legacy was to arrive just too late to be of any comfort to her , and she died in the September , aged sixty-five .
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