Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [det] that [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The empowered organisation , emphasises Kinsley Lord , is held together by forces different from those that bind the command organisation : ‘ If the conventional metaphor for the command organisation is a dinosaur , with the brain at the top issuing instructions to the ponderous body , then that for the empowered organisation might be a shoal of fish , moving rapidly and constantly adjusting its shape through signals that are instantly understood . ’
2 The time was ripe for such an approach , because progress in chemistry was just beginning to make possible the effective study of very large molecules such as those that formed the main constituents of chromatin .
3 Enteric inhibitory nerves , similar to those that subserve the rectoanal inhibitory reflex , are found throughout the gastrointestinal tract and mediate relaxation in both sphincteric as well as non-sphincteric circular smooth muscle .
4 Unfortunately this evolutionary attraction of the causal theory is also illusory , for reasons that similar to those that established the circular nature of the Weber-Fechner and other psychophysical laws .
5 These 7 assumptions are similar to those that underpin the analysis of Markowitz presented in Chapter 4 but they also make important extensions — principally assumptions 4 and 7 .
6 Clarke would do us all a big service if , in his next book , he could produce a law that sorts out the predictions that are too spineless from those that assume the human race to be capable of too much ,
7 Are you one of those that upsets the people , are you cleverer than most broadcasters , that really
8 It is fortunate that the physical features that render a site suitable for overwintering are identical to those that offer the best conditions for hatching success .
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