Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pron] we have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 We have n't used or worn half of what we have brought .
2 It is also that the perspectives necessarily adopted by very different interest groups , some of which we have tried to reproduce here , will contain a degree of indeterminacy of translation between themselves .
3 Choosing the right diet is the key , and to make it easy for you we have devised a three-part series , Slim Plan ( page 81 ) , backed by all the knowledge , research and thorough testing you have come to expect from the Good Housekeeping Institute .
4 Much of what we have written about verbal intercourse is relevant to the understanding of problems in sexual intercourse .
5 The local management of schools policy appears to threaten the basis of much of what we have known ; and there is undoubtedly much concern about some of the ‘ new ’ skills which will be needed .
6 Yet much of what we have discussed can be overcome with sensitivity and by trying to ‘ feel into ’ how the family and friends of the dead person are feeling .
7 Inevitably , the absence of a sense of completeness or fulfilment leaves us dissatisfied and forgetful of what we have heard .
8 ‘ I 'm just delighted with what we have done .
9 Indeed the general range was very similar to what we have met among Royal Institution Discourses at the same date .
10 ‘ Therefore , ’ said Milton , ‘ since there appear to be only five possibles — all of whom we have decided are improbables — we 're going to have to work quite hard .
11 I hope , then , that this report on those who matriculated in 1966 will give some of us the opportunity to renew some of those special friendships — formed at a peculiarly impressionable time of our lives — with those with whom we have failed to keep in touch .
12 We will go on trying to provide the best and I would just like to say ‘ thank you from myself and my wife Eliza to the vast majority of those with whom we have had contact .
13 Salvadorean women , indignant at such servility and such silence on the part of those with whom we have entrusted the destiny of our Fatherland , demand that all our men declare themselves ready to defend our sovereignty , showing the world that Salvadoreans indeed have dignity .
14 I would also draw my hon. Friend 's attention to our planning circular 7/91 in which we have encouraged local authorities to identify housing need in their areas and then , when private developers bring forward proposals for new housing , to negotiate with them an element of affordable housing in their developments .
15 ‘ But we are proud of what we have done in the last year and a half . ’
16 Detailed trends in the distribution of income at any one time are the net result of many forces , several of which we have mentioned already .
17 ‘ But , ’ I replied , ‘ if any of what we have said is true , why does Queen Margaret grieve over the corpse of an imposter ?
18 It is almost as though the word job itself has acquired a life and purpose of its own over which we have lost control .
19 She said afterwards : ‘ I 'm just amazed at what we have done , and the interest we have created back home .
20 We are all ’ — he swung his hand comprehensively , to take in the audience , the studio staff , somehow implying he took in the watching millions too — ‘ we are all worried by what we have heard of your work .
21 The same could be said of the recent Starfield and Chandler ranges , both of which we have looked at lately , and if this steering away from routine duplication is indeed a new trend , then it 's one which I applaud wholeheartedly .
22 We do not know whether most of what we have observed in this field can be generalized to other fields or , indeed , to less intensively studied parts of the same field .
23 The work of other researchers has in many different ways helped to shape our work , to influence what we have asked and to make us more sensitive to what we have heard .
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