Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pron] and [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I felt sorry for him and employed him immediately , to be the ship 's cook .
2 She was touchingly , comically independent , young , undefeated — he was afraid for her and wished her well .
3 It was belching smoke , and a downdraught caught some of it and blew it back towards them .
4 Cassie was fond of it and kept it dust free and well polished .
5 He showed this to me and told me to note especially the inscription on the coin 's obverse side : ‘ O.A. Paykhull cast this gold by chemical art at Stockholm , 1706 . ’
6 He placed a little white enamel cup before each of them and filled it with strong black tea .
7 He took an arm of each of them and hurried them out of the building and down the steps .
8 We were lying on the ground in a row , pointing our rifles to our fronts , as he walked past each of us and made us repeat the different orders that we would be given , such as ‘ unload ’ or ‘ cock your weapon ’ .
9 Mary got stroppy about it and said it was wrong what they were doing , it was a desecration .
10 He blew a lot of his money on gambling , even slot machines , and buying cars before he got bored with them and sold them off for a fraction of the price he paid for them . ’
11 Cleo suddenly became alert behind him and pulled herself upright .
12 Tony was right behind her and bent his blond head to kiss her smiling mouth .
13 You can also see why we can not play at being Christians — because God became human for us and took our humanity up to the throne of God .
14 Then there was a heavy pause , like the moment a ball must feel between the time it 's thrown up and the time it starts to come down , and something picked up all three of them and slid them into a struggling heap .
15 President Jimmy Carter had spent New Years Eve 1977–78 with him and praised him extravagantly .
16 ‘ My good fortune lay in working with great men who were patient with me and taught me good habits that were never to be forgotten .
17 Benjamin scurried back to his room and brought napkins soaked in water , flung these at us and told us to cover our mouths and eyes .
18 I was friendly with him and admired his taste and style but he could never be induced to look seriously at my paintings .
19 But , generally , Ollie seemed to have been good for him and brought his character out a lot .
20 But later , I realized that it had been quite good for me and stopped me getting big-headed .
21 In the flicker of an eyelid the hostility had vanished and he had become a model of charm and smiling good humour , as he politely asked her all about herself and answered her questions in return .
22 ‘ It was terrible for her and left her very shaken up .
23 The senator smiled broadly at all of them and lifted his hand towards the Frenchman , gesturing for him to lead the way .
24 Think all of us and watched it and you and mum and me .
25 Sponsors Dunlop are said to be unhappy with it and wanted it axed from the 1993 calendar .
26 Hizir Bey was greatly impressed by him and sent him to Murad II , recommending that he be given a teaching post .
27 He was n't happy about it and extracted my promise not to try , on any account , to negotiate .
28 The King ‘ was very good-natured about it and set her down immediately . ’
29 To ask for more for herself and put herself in a position of coming first felt too greedy and dangerous .
30 and was ashamed of her and kept her down
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